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Good news about slow loading times

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 01:00 PM

Well, apparently Iwata was talking about reducing the loading time for Dragon Quest X, not the console itself.

Update: Nintendo's PR people have been in touch and we've had one of our bilingual editors take a look at the video. Unfortunately, something was lost in translation and our source was mistaken -- the update in question is for Dragon Quest X, not the Wii U system.

Though chances are Nintendo is in fact working on reducing the Wii U system loading times, we just won't see anything about it in December.

Edited by SDDMN, 20 December 2012 - 01:04 PM.


#42 Dragon



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Posted 20 December 2012 - 01:06 PM

No, I'm backing him up that "It's also a lot more then 10 seconds and the Wii U should have response times similar to that of its competitors"

Watch the video I made:

Your Wii U is the SAME EXACT hardware as mine, and everyone else's. There is no way your menus load 50% faster than mine, period.

I clocked mine at 17.5 seconds. Funny thing is, it doesn't feel that long at all. And I'm an impatient person.

Edited by Dragon, 20 December 2012 - 01:06 PM.

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#43 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:55 PM

Too bad you have no understanding of what a fanboy actually is. A fanboy is 100% blind and won't buy anything except from his preferred company. A fanboy will also blindly bash other companies because of pure hatred towards anything his/her company doesn't make. My Wii U load times are only 10 seconds. So I don't know why other Wii Us would differ from any other. If you all you are going to do is falsely criticize me, then YOU do not belong on threads like this. And who said I had a problem with these threads? I simply stated how I feel about this and you replied to me with a slight bit of negativity. Welcome to the internet where fights can be started from such simple topics.

Don't bother with this dude Dragon, he is such a w***er I've had arguments with him before, belive me you won't win at all, the Nintendo community was supposed to be about fun, we all knew it was a matter of time before the trolls came a knockin', I swear the last three weeks this place has gone down hill, if it carries on I'll see you on the Wii U cos' I will not be on here much longer, with the nasty b******s in the world forums wern't ment to last.

#44 Hunter



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:06 AM

Ive never actually timed how long it takes for my Wii U to go between menus, but it certainly doesnt feel like it is that long. I understand people think this is "unacceptable in this day and age" but does it really make that much of a difference to wait an extra 20 seconds between menus?

Edited by Hunter, 21 December 2012 - 05:07 AM.

#45 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:11 AM

I know Nintendo will eventually fix the load times. Even their support site says they are working on it.

Don't bother with this dude Dragon, he is such a w***er I've had arguments with him before, belive me you won't win at all, the Nintendo community was supposed to be about fun, we all knew it was a matter of time before the trolls came a knockin', I swear the last three weeks this place has gone down hill, if it carries on I'll see you on the Wii U cos' I will not be on here much longer, with the nasty b******s in the world forums wern't ment to last.

Im sick of Game Junkie too! Why does he come here?

Edited by Mr.Saturn90, 21 December 2012 - 05:14 AM.


#46 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:13 AM

[...]does it really make that much of a difference to wait an extra 20 seconds between menus?

Yes, it honestly does.
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#47 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:21 AM

You just sound like a typical fanboy who thinks he's always right and everyone else s either wrong or not entitled to their opinion. It's also a lot more then 10 seconds and the Wii U should have response times similar to that of its competitors. It's closer to 20-30 seconds actually, not to mention the download times are also a joke compared to Its competitots.. It's not getting old and there is no reason why I should stop using the Wii U because of it. Nintendo themselves have already admitted its a problem and are going to try and fix it with an update. You have no clue what so ever about what you're talking about and I suggest you keep out of such threads if you're getting tired of hearing it. Nobody is forcing you to read them. Now go whine and complain somewhere else as you do not make a valid point.

Its got nothing to with me stalking you or anyone else. It's got to do with you thinking the Wii U is all fine and dandy and along with Nintendo can't do any wrong.

Everyone wants you to leave. If you dont stop trolling then you should.

Edited by Mr.Saturn90, 21 December 2012 - 05:24 AM.


#48 Dragon



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 05:26 AM

Everyone wants you to leave. If you dont stop trolling then you should.

Whoa man. Don't be too harsh.

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#49 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 06:52 AM

Everyone wants you to leave. If you dont stop trolling then you should.

I agree with Gamejunkie Their is no reason for the console to be slower than the wii and 3ds.

#50 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:12 AM

Everyone wants you to leave. If you dont stop trolling then you should.

That isn't true - he has just as much right here as anyone else, and because he isn't a blind fanboy his opinion arguably matters more.

The only people trolling are those who claim 15 to 20+ seconds to get into a menu is "not noticeable" or "quit whining it's not that bad". Yes, it is noticeable and the SLOW load times really ARE that bad. I swear, if my microwave made me wait 20 seconds before it would START COOKING, I'd return it and get one that actually does what you tell it, when you tell it. Nintendo rushed to release an incomplete product, with slow loading times, no dvd functionality, a terrible battery life on the gamepad, a crappy TVii app which is utterly useless and pointless (perhaps instead of making TVii, they should've FINISHED and OPTIMIZED the Wii U's OS). Not to mention the GamePad doesn't have multi-touch support and you can't play Wii games on it - hell you can't play ALL of the Wii U games directly on it without the TV either!

And don't get me started on the controller situation, Wiimote/Nunchuck/Classic Controller/Classic Controller Pro/Wii U Pro Controller/GamePad - holy crap - but it's not the amount of "choice" in controllers, it's that each game individually decides which controller(s) you can even use. And I can't even use my Wii U Pro Controllers with Wii games - epic fail Nintendo. Oh and I can create a new Mii on my Wii U, but I have no way of transferring it into my Wii menu - so I can't even use it for Wii games. Have to create the damn Mii twice. That makes me think about my Virtual Console games, why didn't they tie this system together?! It's like fragmentation, you can do THIS over HERE, and you can do THAT over THERE, but you can't do THAT over HERE... You've gotta click into the Wii menu, wait.. wait.. wait.. okay it loaded, now I've got an entirely different set of apps and I can't use the GamePad or Pro Controller anymore - thanks for the crappy functionality Nintendo.
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#51 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:15 AM

I agree with Gamejunkie Their is no reason for the console to be slower than the wii and 3ds.

It annoys me people like you, AND Gamejunkie, Whatever the heck his name is, The wii u has Normal loading times, But people like you have to be freaking baby's about EVERYTHING! "Omg my wii u load in 9 seconds and not 8.5!!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!" Just stop...

Edited by Takumi, 21 December 2012 - 07:16 AM.

#52 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:19 AM

It annoys me people like you, AND Gamejunkie, Whatever the heck his name is, The wii u has Normal loading times, But people like you have to be freaking baby's about EVERYTHING! "Omg my wii u load in 9 seconds and not 8.5!!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!" Just stop...

It annoys me people like you, AND Gamejunkie, Whatever the heck his name is, The wii u has Normal loading times, But people like you have to be freaking baby's about EVERYTHING! "Omg my wii u load in 9 seconds and not 8.5!!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!" Just stop...

Its 20 seconds not 9 or 8.5 those would be reasonable load times and I'm interested in your definition of Normal when it seems to be only the wiiU's loading that are this slow.

#53 bornsupercharged



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:22 AM

It annoys me people like you, AND Gamejunkie, Whatever the heck his name is, The wii u has Normal loading times, But people like you have to be freaking baby's about EVERYTHING! "Omg my wii u load in 9 seconds and not 8.5!!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!" Just stop...

You know what's funny? 9 seconds would be a HUGE IMPROVEMENT over the 15 to 22 seconds I'm seeing.
60% of 15 seconds = 9 seconds, i.e. 40% faster.
41% of 22 seconds = 9 seconds, i.e. 59% faster! Yes please, give me 9 seconds maximum load time and that'll be a massive improvement.

Or they could fix it so it starts loading as soon as I click it... that'd be fine too.
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#54 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:28 AM

That isn't true - he has just as much right here as anyone else, and because he isn't a blind fanboy his opinion arguably matters more.

The only people trolling are those who claim 15 to 20+ seconds to get into a menu is "not noticeable" or "quit whining it's not that bad". Yes, it is noticeable and the SLOW load times really ARE that bad. I swear, if my microwave made me wait 20 seconds before it would START COOKING, I'd return it and get one that actually does what you tell it, when you tell it. Nintendo rushed to release an incomplete product, with slow loading times, no dvd functionality, a terrible battery life on the gamepad, a crappy TVii app which is utterly useless and pointless (perhaps instead of making TVii, they should've FINISHED and OPTIMIZED the Wii U's OS). Not to mention the GamePad doesn't have multi-touch support and you can't play Wii games on it - hell you can't play ALL of the Wii U games directly on it without the TV either!

And don't get me started on the controller situation, Wiimote/Nunchuck/Classic Controller/Classic Controller Pro/Wii U Pro Controller/GamePad - holy crap - but it's not the amount of "choice" in controllers, it's that each game individually decides which controller(s) you can even use. And I can't even use my Wii U Pro Controllers with Wii games - epic fail Nintendo. Oh and I can create a new Mii on my Wii U, but I have no way of transferring it into my Wii menu - so I can't even use it for Wii games. Have to create the damn Mii twice. That makes me think about my Virtual Console games, why didn't they tie this system together?! It's like fragmentation, you can do THIS over HERE, and you can do THAT over THERE, but you can't do THAT over HERE... You've gotta click into the Wii menu, wait.. wait.. wait.. okay it loaded, now I've got an entirely different set of apps and I can't use the GamePad or Pro Controller anymore - thanks for the crappy functionality Nintendo.

Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what you are talking about! You are comparing a Freaking Microwave to a wii u? Wow, and the loading times may be bad for you, But i notice NO PROBLEMS! And you are complaining about the gamepad battery? Okay are you stupid or something? its that bad "Just fine for me" Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro, And rumble, and its a GREAT thing Nintendo Give MULTIPLE Controller options, Not just 1 Same old controller, And No dip Sherlock you cant use your pro controller with Wii games, Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii, Learn more facts before you post next time, Idiot.

You know what's funny? 9 seconds would be a HUGE IMPROVEMENT over the 15 to 22 seconds I'm seeing.
60% of 15 seconds = 9 seconds, i.e. 40% faster.
41% of 22 seconds = 9 seconds, i.e. 59% faster! Yes please, give me 9 seconds maximum load time and that'll be a massive improvement.

Or they could fix it so it starts loading as soon as I click it... that'd be fine too.

the 9 seconds thing was a figure of speech.

Its 20 seconds not 9 or 8.5 those would be reasonable load times and I'm interested in your definition of Normal when it seems to be only the wiiU's loading that are this slow.

ITS A FIGURE OF SPEECH! My gosh i know its not 9 seconds.

#55 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:31 AM

Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what you are talking about! You are comparing a Freaking Microwave to a wii u? Wow, and the loading times may be bad for you, But i notice NO PROBLEMS! And you are complaining about the gamepad battery? Okay are you stupid or something? its that bad "Just fine for me" Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro, And rumble, and its a GREAT thing Nintendo Give MULTIPLE Controller options, Not just 1 Same old controller, And No dip Sherlock you cant use your pro controller with Wii games, Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii, Learn more facts before you post next time, Idiot.

the 9 seconds thing was a figure of speech.

ITS A FIGURE OF SPEECH! My gosh i know its not 9 seconds.

As far as I am concerned you just lied to improve your argument. Now answer me what is your definition of Normal and how are you scaling normalcy since these load times don't seem normal to me.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 21 December 2012 - 07:31 AM.

#56 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:34 AM

As far as I am concerned you just lied to improve your argument. Now answer me what is your definition of Normal and how are you scaling normalcy since these load times don't seem normal to me.

OK ALL MIGHTY SMART ONE! How did i lie? Please, tell me, i'm waiting?

#57 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:40 AM

OK ALL MIGHTY SMART ONE! How did i lie? Please, tell me, i'm waiting?

Easy , You gave a figure 8.5 seconds to 9 seconds now with this figure you didn't say it Figure of speech at first in fact you was using it to make me sound ridiculous for complaining about load times. I'll change you figure of speech to reality

"Omg my wii u load in 20 seconds and not 8.5 like other systems !!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!"

see how that changes the overall feeling of the quote. Now answer my question please .

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 21 December 2012 - 07:40 AM.

#58 dante👌


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:42 AM

Easy , You gave a figure 8.5 seconds to 9 seconds now with this figure you didn't say it Figure of speech at first in fact you was using it to make me sound ridiculous for complaining about load times. I'll change you figure of speech to reality

"Omg my wii u load in 20 seconds and not 8.5 like other systems !!! I'm gonna go rage about it! WaaaaaaH!"

see how that changes the overall feeling of the quote. Now answer my question please .

You can't take a hint of sarcasm at all can you.

#59 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:44 AM

You can't take a hint of sarcasm at all can you.

Sarcasm that hard to pick up on the internet first off and second where is it please enlightened me ;do you agree than that the wiiU load times are slow?
Also you still avoiding my question but lets see how you answer whats in front of you first.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 21 December 2012 - 07:45 AM.

#60 Hunter



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Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:58 AM

That isn't true - he has just as much right here as anyone else, and because he isn't a blind fanboy his opinion arguably matters more.

The only people trolling are those who claim 15 to 20+ seconds to get into a menu is "not noticeable" or "quit whining it's not that bad". Yes, it is noticeable and the SLOW load times really ARE that bad. I swear, if my microwave made me wait 20 seconds before it would START COOKING, I'd return it and get one that actually does what you tell it, when you tell it. Nintendo rushed to release an incomplete product, with slow loading times, no dvd functionality, a terrible battery life on the gamepad, a crappy TVii app which is utterly useless and pointless (perhaps instead of making TVii, they should've FINISHED and OPTIMIZED the Wii U's OS). Not to mention the GamePad doesn't have multi-touch support and you can't play Wii games on it - hell you can't play ALL of the Wii U games directly on it without the TV either!

And don't get me started on the controller situation, Wiimote/Nunchuck/Classic Controller/Classic Controller Pro/Wii U Pro Controller/GamePad - holy crap - but it's not the amount of "choice" in controllers, it's that each game individually decides which controller(s) you can even use. And I can't even use my Wii U Pro Controllers with Wii games - epic fail Nintendo. Oh and I can create a new Mii on my Wii U, but I have no way of transferring it into my Wii menu - so I can't even use it for Wii games. Have to create the damn Mii twice. That makes me think about my Virtual Console games, why didn't they tie this system together?! It's like fragmentation, you can do THIS over HERE, and you can do THAT over THERE, but you can't do THAT over HERE... You've gotta click into the Wii menu, wait.. wait.. wait.. okay it loaded, now I've got an entirely different set of apps and I can't use the GamePad or Pro Controller anymore - thanks for the crappy functionality Nintendo.

If the Wii U is so terrible, why do you still have it? Wouldnt it make more sense to sell it or return it? What is the point in complaining about something but still using it?

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