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343: Halo 4 is "best game in the series"

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#21 Keviin



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 04:23 PM

I've only played 3 Halo's and a trial, but too me they're all the same. Don't think I want 4. Amazing graphics tho.
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#22 tboss



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 07:38 AM

played reach and 4 mostly. 4 was better then reach, in both multyplayer and single player.

balance was okay when i played it still OP the burst fire rifle, unless they fixed it in a patch since the last time i played.

MP seemed to prefer some maps almost constantly and completly ignoored others. annoyed me alot. the weapon system worked great. did notice TDM focusing on small end maps and not as much big as other games.
lot of new guns too =).

no new vehicals.

forge seemed like a downgrade from reach, only improvement being it looks better. i often found myself tring to do something and found out i wasnt allowed. or the area was cut off. gravity things also didnt change the direction of gravity.

one of the rumors i heard mentioned the retro lead developer joined 343. my guess is he didnt like developing DK games. and if you pay attention, there are some noticeable correlations to MP and halo4 changes/addons.

#23 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 01:19 PM

This is my first Halo game, and I love it. The campaign is really fun especially with friends and Spartan Ops is also really cool. I haven't done much online yet and I haven't touched forge, but it was all really fun. This game made me want to get CEA, Reach, and maybe 3.

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