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Are things really this dire?

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#101 syks-1


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:38 AM

motorstorm 1 was the best of the series on ps3 graphically and gameplay,all others released in the series were crap!!!

the wii u will do just fine,im not worried at all,i still remember the ps2 launch which only had timesplitters then no games for MONTHS....all console launches from as far back as i can remember have been pritty crap!!

#102 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 20 February 2013 - 02:13 PM

Things can only get better in time, and I'm looking forward to my Wii U and 3DS's future :D

#103 mmxforever


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 01:47 PM

From a guy that LOVED the Gamecube........no this isn't dire.

#104 routerbad



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Posted 25 February 2013 - 02:41 PM

From a guy that LOVED the Gamecube........no this isn't dire.

Quite poignant

#105 joey0480



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 03:06 PM

the press has a lot to do with making things seem worse than they are.  Personally, I am a tad worried, but not enough to jump ship, sell my system, etc... 

I just worry about where the third party support is......heck it may pick up with the PS4 and Xbox720 since developers can no longer rely on the 360 or ps3, their old habits.

#106 routerbad



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 03:10 PM

the press has a lot to do with making things seem worse than they are.  Personally, I am a tad worried, but not enough to jump ship, sell my system, etc... 

I just worry about where the third party support is......heck it may pick up with the PS4 and Xbox720 since developers can no longer rely on the 360 or ps3, their old habits.

That and dissuading people from getting games from anywhere but the retailer or the online shop (can't borrow, rent, etc) would ultimately mean fewer game sales in the long run.  In the short term it will pick up because people are hyped and want to play something.  They'll get tired of spending $60 plus whatever microtransactions are being pushed in game after a while and will stop spending so much on games, but they will still have all of the online services offered by Sony and MS.

#107 Alianjaro



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Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:19 PM

lol the day I'll trust the countless Nintendo haters' blogs, Nintendo will actually be dead...

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#108 MorbidGod


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Posted 04 March 2013 - 09:19 PM

Because they want it to fail. Its as simple as that.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

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