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Are things really this dire?

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#61 3Dude



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 08:19 AM

Were negative because we have no games to play.

Recent directs have shown there is a future worth looking forward to, and each direct until e3 will probably show something else we are going to want... But until that future gets here, we got next to nothing, and no ones going to start buying the console until those games arrive.



#62 Dragon



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 08:25 AM

Were negative because we have no games to play.

Recent directs have shown there is a future worth looking forward to, and each direct until e3 will probably show something else we are going to want... But until that future gets here, we got next to nothing, and no ones going to start buying the console until those games arrive.

I'll be getting NFS: Most Wanted U, RE: Revelations, Pikmin 3 and maybe Lego City to tide me over until fall.
I'll admit, I'm slightly disappointed in the lack of great software. But these upcoming games have me hyped!

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#63 alan123


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 09:11 AM

people are no longer interested in games like wii sports & wii fit.

also most of the good game on the wii were nintendo's own games it is getting a bit boring now playing on a new nintendo console yet another update of mario, zelda, metriod etc, it is about time nintendo came up with some new games, the lugie games announced are not even new, they are just the same as the mario games but with a different character, these gaps should be filled with third party games, but there will be only a few, with the announcement of the ps4 & x720 dev's & publishers will be switching games from the ps3 & x360 to the next gen versions, it is already happening with some games, also if a dev/publisher is making a game for the wiiu they can easily switch to the ps4/x720 as they are firstly more powerful, secondly easier to program for as the hardware is very similar to pc components thirdly the ps4 & x720 will have higher take up on launch because current ps3 & x360 owners will be upgrading, third partys are already showing off the games for these systems, there was nothing like this for the wiiu, most people with wii's have not bothered upgrading to a wiiu because the wii died years ago when the games dried up, also most were owned by family's or played by them is a better way to put it & they have little interest, the people that are likely to upgrade are the people nintendo is trying to target but they already have either a ps3 or x360 or even both, i have a wii, 3ds, wiiu, gaming pc, x360 & ps3, most people with either a ps3 or x360 will just save their money for a ps4 or x720, the wiiu needed to hit the ground running, no good showing off a load of games at e3 when everyone else will be looking at dev's & publishers showing off the ps4 & x720 games/demos.

nintendo simply didn't learn from the joke that was the 3ds release (i got mine on day one) nintendo would of been better of leaving the release of the wiiu a few more months & made it more powerful so it can truly compete with the ps4 & x720, this would of also allowed more time to get games made for the system.

do i regret buying a wiiu on launch, yes because the three games i got with it (zombiu, nintendoland & mario brosu, are still the only games i have for my wiiu other than black ops 2, there is simply nothing else out there for me, i was going to get rayman ledgends but that is not off, aliens was on order but that game has turned out rubbish, so what is left, pikmin & zelda !

regardless of weather the wiiu is nintendos last console or not, it will be the last one i will be buying, as i am getting tired of rehashed old games on every system, i have had a nes, snes, n64, gamecube, wii & wiiu (also gameboy, ds & 3ds).

the wiiu should of never had wii in the title either.

if all the decent games are going to be on the x360 & ps3 i may as well of got the games for those instead of spending £300 odd on my wiiu or even used that money for a x720 or ps4 !

Edited by alan666, 17 February 2013 - 09:13 AM.

#64 LK9T9


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:43 AM

When games that actually compel you to buy the system like Smash 4 and the new LoZ, I believe it will sell much better then.


Super Smash Bros. WiiU/3DS Page: http://www.facebook.com/SSBWIIU3DS

#65 binx



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 02:28 PM

It also doesnt help that almost every game that was supposed to be out in the fall or the spring that they announced originally has been delayed or possibly canceled. There are a few but I would not buy a port on the U. The only game that looks exciting to me is the wonderful 101. The games that I was excited for are delayed or have had features removed, ie lego undercover multiplayer. I havnt even turned mine on since the second week in December. I bought 5 retail games and 2 eshop titles with it and I have since traded them in because they were just lacking and the whole touchscreen thing seems to take away from the immersion with tacked on look at your controller now stuff. The added features on the console work better on my other devices so I dont need the other gimmicks. Like everyone else I am waiting for that wow moment, be it a game or service that can make me justify my purchase. Granted Miiverse is a cool idea and I like it. I cannot in good faith recommend the U to anyone because of these things, and to top it off the general public still doesnt have an idea of what the hell this thing is. Most still think its a controller add on. Now Im not wishing the doom and gloom that you see around the net, but more frustration and dissapointment in what Nintendo had me believe would be a game changer right off the bat; and sadly it is not. Here's hoping that feeling is renewed in the coming months.
Wii U: Riotfunk

#66 BlueBlur


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 04:13 PM

When games that actually compel you to buy the system like Smash 4 and the new LoZ, I believe it will sell much better then.

You place too much faith in Mario and Zelda, Smash Bros i can understand but that won't be released till after 4 years which by then would be too late to save the Wii U.

Edited by The Wakasyamo Fan, 17 February 2013 - 04:13 PM.

#67 Hunter



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 04:13 PM

How can people complain about lack of third party support AND being sick of "re hashed Metroid zelda etc."? Why even buy a Wii U when you know that Nintendo have always struggled with third party support in recent years AND you're sick of their best and most popular franchises? Honestly doesn't make sense to me. I bought Wii U hoping for decent 3rd party support but knowing that Nintendo themselves will always release amazing first party titles.

#68 BlueBlur


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 04:26 PM

How can people complain about lack of third party support AND being sick of "re hashed Metroid zelda etc."? Why even buy a Wii U when you know that Nintendo have always struggled with third party support in recent years AND you're sick of their best and most popular franchises? Honestly doesn't make sense to me. I bought Wii U hoping for decent 3rd party support but knowing that Nintendo themselves will always release amazing first party titles.

Im not sick of Mario or Zelda, im just doubtful that they will be enough to entice people buy a Wii U over a PS4 and 720, Now is the time for Nintendo to make revamp their plan/strategy for the Wii U but apparently their in no hurry to make needed changes, come this fall it will be too late and the Wii U will become Nintendo's first failure since the Virtual Boy -_-

#69 Klobb



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:04 AM

Its just baffling to see people making excuses for Nintendo. This is the whole point. Its missing the compelling games with not much in site especially from third parties.

I used to make excuses for them myself, but now I realise that sometimes they just won't learn. Didn't we see this happening with the 3DS launch?

If you think Smogon ban stuff

"Just because they can't beat it"

You clearly don't play OU

You clearly have no knowledge of the metagame

And you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion.

#70 scotty79



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 06:12 AM

How can people complain about lack of third party support AND being sick of "re hashed Metroid zelda etc."? Why even buy a Wii U when you know that Nintendo have always struggled with third party support in recent years AND you're sick of their best and most popular franchises? Honestly doesn't make sense to me. I bought Wii U hoping for decent 3rd party support but knowing that Nintendo themselves will always release amazing first party titles.

Its easy to complain about both because when it dawns on you that you wont be getting any AAA third party titles, you then wonder what you are getting and will see the same old nintendo franchises.Not saying the individual games wont be good or even great.Just that they dont seem to be making any effort to create something more modern (uncharted,halo etc) like the other console makers.I mean would it really hurt nintendo to throw some money at a fps?They seem to have a tried and tested system to make money and just stick to it.This can be seen as smart or silly.They cant hope to expand beyond serious nintendo fans with this outlook
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#71 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 11:03 AM

My point was that if we're talking sales it is far from over for the Wii U yet. Millions of Wii were sold not because of a constant stream of 3rd party titles that they played for several hours everyday but for a handful of 1st party titles that they would occasionally play as a family or with friends.

They all now have lots of Wii U compatible Wii remotes and games and if only a 3rd upgraded it would still mean more sales than Gamecube! The Wii U has a gimmick to sell to this people and it's not the touch screen or motion sensing, although that will help, it's off screen play. Nintendo should focus on Mums and dads fed up of the kids hogging the family TV/Kids fed up of being kicked of the Wii so their parents can watch TV.

Get the price down, get Mario Kart U out, explain to the customer that this is basically an upgrade on the Wii which will stop your kids/parents moaning.

You don't buy a Wii U because you want a PS4 or Xbox720, you'd buy one of those if that what you wanted.

#72 Gamejunkie



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 11:18 AM

My point was that if we're talking sales it is far from over for the Wii U yet. Millions of Wii were sold not because of a constant stream of 3rd party titles that they played for several hours everyday but for a handful of 1st party titles that they would occasionally play as a family or with friends.
They all now have lots of Wii U compatible Wii remotes and games and if only a 3rd upgraded it would still mean more sales than Gamecube! The Wii U has a gimmick to sell to this people and it's not the touch screen or motion sensing, although that will help, it's off screen play. Nintendo should focus on Mums and dads fed up of the kids hogging the family TV/Kids fed up of being kicked of the Wii so their parents can watch TV.
Get the price down, get Mario Kart U out, explain to the customer that this is basically an upgrade on the Wii which will stop your kids/parents moaning.
You don't buy a Wii U because you want a PS4 or Xbox720, you'd buy one of those if that what you wanted.

You fail to realise not everyone can afford more then one console. Some people want the Nintendo first party games as well as a good selection of top class third party games. Its got nothing to do with buying either Sony or Microsoft's new consoles. Personally I'm fortunate to own all the consoles but I know there are a lot of people out there who aren't.

#73 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 11:44 AM

I agree that people can't afford to buy more than one console, I certainly never have! Yet many people buying the Wii were the kind people who generally wouldn't have bought a console full stop if it hadn't been for the Wii sports/Wii Fit style software. They certainly weren't going to buy a console on the basis of Grand Theft Auto or Medal of Honour because they won't of heard of it or want to play that sort of games.

The lack of 3rd party support is a shame but far from fatal.

If nintendo can't get the price down and get the message across about it's Unique Selling Point that will be fatal.

#74 Gamejunkie



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:25 PM

I agree that people can't afford to buy more than one console, I certainly never have! Yet many people buying the Wii were the kind people who generally wouldn't have bought a console full stop if it hadn't been for the Wii sports/Wii Fit style software. They certainly weren't going to buy a console on the basis of Grand Theft Auto or Medal of Honour because they won't of heard of it or want to play that sort of games.
The lack of 3rd party support is a shame but far from fatal.
If nintendo can't get the price down and get the message across about it's Unique Selling Point that will be fatal.

You're assuming that the Wii U is for the same market as the Wii or that Nintendo is going after that same market. They're not. A lot of people who buy the Wii U are the same people who would be interested in buying GTA, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Bioshock, Splinter Cell etc. These games as we know so far are not coming out for the Wii U. There is not enough AAA third party support for the Wii U and that will affect its success and its ability to compete against the PS3 and Xbox 360 as well as their successors.

#75 Penguin101


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:33 PM

I think Nintendo aren't showing off that this is in fact a next gen console, now third parties are understandably hanging about so they can do next gen games on PCs and more powerful consoles, then scaling back anything that the Wii U can't handle and popping it on there. However Ubisoft (Zombi U) and Nintendo haven't shown any progression as far as visuals, and while "visuals aren't everything" they are a great way of getting your point across to the general public.

If Nintendo had brought out ONE shiny game that blew the average consumers mind visually the average consumer would have gone "oh that looks better than anything I've seen on the 360" and bought it. I know they're trying to sell a control system. But this isn't the Wii, people are used to motion control, people are used to touchscreens, so they really do this time need to show to the average hardcore consumer visually what's so next gen.ONE game is all Nintendo needed to show off that visually looked impressive, just ONE at E3 2012 to change people's minds. Ubisoft did well with a gamepad demo, but visually blended in with every other HD game. They also didn't do themselves any favors with having games that could easily be made at 1080p were released at 720p. Not something the average consumer notices, however a lot of people want to see 1080p become the visual standard, and Nintendo couldn't deliver a simple 2.5D Mario game at that resolution?!.

Anyway I love the Wii U I know it's gameplay potential, I love that there is growing third party support and for most of the time I'm happy with current gen graphics, and can't wait to see if Nintendo can do better this upcoming generation. However those are my criticisms and maybe my answers why there's a lot of negative press and a lack of Wii U sales....

My hope is E3 2013 is the year of Nintendo and Nintendo hit back hard

Edited by Penguin101, 18 February 2013 - 12:37 PM.

#76 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:49 PM

You're assuming that the Wii U is for the same market as the Wii or that Nintendo is going after that same market. They're not. A lot of people who buy the Wii U are the same people who would be interested in buying GTA, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Bioshock, Splinter Cell etc. These games as we know so far are not coming out for the Wii U. There is not enough AAA third party support for the Wii U and that will affect its success and its ability to compete against the PS3 and Xbox 360 as well as their successors.

I'm assuming that the Wii U is aimed at Wii consumers who have become more interest in gaming.

#77 CookieEpic



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Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:20 PM

Saturn you really need to tone down the fanboyism its bordering on embarrasing,No I didnt miss the nd or anything else.There is nothing with the exception of blops 2 atm I want to play.Announcement this that or the other is fine but the console was in development for at least 2 years where was the planning for now?If this were a report card it would say C- capable of much better.

You're probably the most critical person on this website.

It's not that i don't like critisism, but man this is a bit harsh


#78 alan123


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 02:54 PM

well there is only two days until Sony revel the PS4, Nintendo & the Wii U have two days but the looks of it.

#79 PedanticGamer


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:39 PM

I agree that people can't afford to buy more than one console, I certainly never have! Yet many people buying the Wii were the kind people who generally wouldn't have bought a console full stop if it hadn't been for the Wii sports/Wii Fit style software. They certainly weren't going to buy a console on the basis of Grand Theft Auto or Medal of Honour because they won't of heard of it or want to play that sort of games.

The lack of 3rd party support is a shame but far from fatal.

If nintendo can't get the price down and get the message across about it's Unique Selling Point that will be fatal.

This is odd I agree and disagree with you. To say goodbye to the 30% they make of third party titles sales is not optimal from Nintendo and something they should be trying to rectify.

#80 Link707



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:25 AM

If you haven't yet you should read this article

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