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Are things really this dire?

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#21 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 10 February 2013 - 08:18 PM

Every since the official Wii U launch sales were released, Nintendo haters rejoiced and whenever you google Wii U or Nintendo you'll always get a doom and gloom article such as "Nintendo is becoming irrelevant" "720 to benefit from Wii U's disappointments" or "Wii U sales struggling due to PS4/720 hype" so i wonder, is Nintendo really in as serious trouble as people make them to be?

The Wii U is going to be perfectly fine. See the latest Nintendo Direct for proof.

You should only be worried if the media starts saying good things about nintendo. Thats how you know whatever they are doing is going to actually fail horribly.

You cant trust the media LOL.

Time will tell i guess,i'm happy enough with mine, keep buying the odd eshop game and bought a couple of pre-owned top games but i only get around an hour every couple of days on it. Looking forward to the Aliens game!

Lets see how PS720 fairs in today's climate....

If they dont play used games The Wii U will obviously beat the competition. Im not saying this out of fanboyism im dead serious.


#22 lucario23


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 12:09 AM

Sony (not sure about Microsoft) seems to have been smart about the ps4 and seem to have launch games that will likely show of the extra power available. What do you think Nuaghty Dog's Uncharted Dev team has been doing for two years, or what about Sucker Punch and Guerilla Games for over two years (nearly three)? Nintendo's released a 2d mario no doubt as it was the easiest to have out on time, but they needed something like Bayonetta 2 and a 3d mario game (or Zelda at launch) and they really needed Pikmin out now or very soon if they wanted to avoid this drought.

The thing is no they didn't. they needed them about a year later as direct counters to the launch of their competition. Think about it. These games would have been rushed if they were released at launch, but by taking their time with them and waiting to launch until after E3 they will be able to take use these games as a means to counter the hype surrounding the launch of the other two consoles. As much as it sucks in the moment, these games getting launched later is probably for the better

#23 Lain


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 12:22 AM

Why is Pikmin 3 taking as long as it is anyway? I haven't been keeping up on that, so I'm curious.

#24 PedanticGamer


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 01:11 AM

The thing is no they didn't. they needed them about a year later as direct counters to the launch of their competition. Think about it. These games would have been rushed if they were released at launch, but by taking their time with them and waiting to launch until after E3 they will be able to take use these games as a means to counter the hype surrounding the launch of the other two consoles. As much as it sucks in the moment, these games getting launched later is probably for the better

They neaded first party titles that showed off why one should get a wiiU, something New Super Mario Bros 2 completely failed to do as it could easily run on a wii.

#25 emmonsh


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:16 AM

the number of years doesn't really matter (your maths is correct)

no company can lose two hundred million a year.

if Nintendo have all this money washing about they should invest it in buying up some developers & publishers, how about paying for GTA V to be ported over to the Wii U for example ?

200 million in a year is a drop in the bucket for nintendo. sales of video games are done drastically in the world. as for reease launch the wii u is far ahead of the ps3 is games released.i work for a company that lost almost a billion 4 years ago and now is making money hands over feet. bad economy worlds wide exspecially in europe.

#26 3Dude



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:26 AM

Why is Pikmin 3 taking as long as it is anyway? I haven't been keeping up on that, so I'm curious.

Well they appear to be redoing at least some of the ground/background textures. Though if you ask me, with the way the camera is to the ground because of the nature of the tiny protagonists, some better (Any?) af will do a lot better than higher res textures, particularly when the camera angle turns them to mush anyways.

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#27 umegames


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 11:28 AM

Im not worry at the slightly, im just wondering why so many people take the Wii U's poor sales as a sign that Nintendo is dying, but good point though.

I think it's a combination of
A. being just generally hate nintendo
B. people are trying to hold the "Wii's" success over the Wii-u
C. people are ignorant of the fact that this next generation of gaming is going to be a slow one for nintendo, sony AND microsoft

#28 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:01 PM

Only time will tell, I'm sure things will pan out :D

#29 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 12 February 2013 - 06:21 AM

What is all this talk about 200 million in losses? Nintendo lost over 500 million for the 2011 fiscal year.
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#30 aboss



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Posted 12 February 2013 - 08:08 AM

I don't agree, I see Nintendo turning around and becomig better.

#31 DeviousOne


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Posted 12 February 2013 - 08:26 AM

With PS4 coming Sony is putting Nintendo on notice

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#32 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:18 AM

I've been reading a lot of bad press & comments about the Wii U's sales and forthcoming software. It strikes me as very premature. I read in one place that this would be Nintendo last ever home console, the very same thing they said about the Gamecube...

Now I'm not saying the Wii U will definitely be a success but I think their analyse is based on the same flaw premiss that made them doubt the Wii.

The lack of forthcoming third party support is a concern but then it wasn't always the big game franchises that shifted the Wii. Wii Sports & Wii Fit were key in making it the market leader. Top selling wii games below before you find a 3rd party developed game (Just Dance 2).

'Killer apps' come in all shapes and sizes and are not necessarily 18-rated FPS.

#33 Gaymer


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:28 AM

Does Wii Sports really count, though? I mean, it's bundled in with every Wii, basically.

#34 Fiery



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:31 AM

I kicked Michael Pachter in the nuts.

#35 LK9T9


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:38 AM

That's because the Wii U isn't selling as well as expected & Nintendo refuses to drop the price, which most people are suggesting.

Personally, I feel there isn't any game currently out that made me say, "buying the Wii U was defenetly worth it". Those titles aren't out yet, such as the next SSB, LoZ, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, Yarn Yoshi & other stuff.


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#36 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:48 AM

Although Wii Sports was bundle with the machine I think it was a key reason people were buying the machine in the first place.

I agree the price is steep but then Nintendo wii deny they are going to drop it, until they actually drop it (before Xmas I'm guessing).

Wii Fit U and Mario Kart U will turn up eventually and I'm sure a few surprises.

#37 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:58 AM

I kicked Michael Pachter in the nuts.

You say that about everyone.

Although Wii Sports was bundle with the machine I think it was a key reason people were buying the machine in the first place.

I agree the price is steep but then Nintendo wii deny they are going to drop it, until they actually drop it (before Xmas I'm guessing).

Wii Fit U and Mario Kart U will turn up eventually and I'm sure a few surprises.

Any future mario/zelda games will help the console definitely.



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#38 scotty79



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 10:22 AM

You guys are missing the point that the wii brought something totally new and this and the games based around the motion features sold the system.The wiiu isnt the same has not got anything (maybe with the exception of the gamepad) as unique.Also the wiiu launch has been mismanaged by nintendo.Also the relationships (remember unprecedented partnerships?) with third parties seems to have soured.A lack of games is the current affliction.Really not into rpgs or monster hunter type games so it will be a loooooooong wait for something to play considering I paid all in near 500 pounds its not acceptable.Finished zombiu,got bored with mario,still playing black ops 2(with out the dlc that the consoles 7 years older already have) and aliens was what I was hoping to tide me over but the reviews have been meh.Badly managed release of the wiiu indeed
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#39 Gamejunkie



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 11:23 AM

Although Wii Sports was bundle with the machine I think it was a key reason people were buying the machine in the first place.
I agree the price is steep but then Nintendo wii deny they are going to drop it, until they actually drop it (before Xmas I'm guessing).
Wii Fit U and Mario Kart U will turn up eventually and I'm sure a few surprises.

You're very seriously mistaken if you think games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Play are going to shift Wii U's. I've got news for you, they aren't. The Wii was first and foremost a console designed for and marketed to the casual gamers with its Wii remotes as controllers and whole user experience and interface. The Wii U is Nintendo's answer to the PS3, Xbox 360 and their successors. Its meant to be focused on the hardcore gaming market more so then the casual. As such its not doing a good job grabbing that market with poor third party support so far and not enough compelling first party offerings with several first and third party games being delayed.

#40 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 16 February 2013 - 12:17 PM

I've been reading a lot of bad press & comments about the Wii U's sales and forthcoming software. It strikes me as very premature. I read in one place that this would be Nintendo last ever home console, the very same thing they said about the Gamecube...

Now I'm not saying the Wii U will definitely be a success but I think their analyse is based on the same flaw premiss that made them doubt the Wii.

The lack of forthcoming third party support is a concern but then it wasn't always the big game franchises that shifted the Wii. Wii Sports & Wii Fit were key in making it the market leader. Top selling wii games below before you find a 3rd party developed game (Just Dance 2).

'Killer apps' come in all shapes and sizes and are not necessarily 18-rated FPS.

Thanks for standing up against the haters on this website. Excellent point and I admire that.

You're very seriously mistaken if you think games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Play are going to shift Wii U's. I've got news for you, they aren't. The Wii was first and foremost a console designed for and marketed to the casual gamers with its Wii remotes as controllers and whole user experience and interface. The Wii U is Nintendo's answer to the PS3, Xbox 360 and their successors. Its meant to be focused on the hardcore gaming market more so then the casual. As such its not doing a good job grabbing that market with poor third party support so far and not enough compelling first party offerings with several first and third party games being delayed.

I knew you would be here spreading your skepticism. Thats all you ever do here. Try IGN instead.

You guys are missing the point that the wii brought something totally new and this and the games based around the motion features sold the system.The wiiu isnt the same has not got anything (maybe with the exception of the gamepad) as unique.Also the wiiu launch has been mismanaged by nintendo.Also the relationships (remember unprecedented partnerships?) with third parties seems to have soured.A lack of games is the current affliction.Really not into rpgs or monster hunter type games so it will be a loooooooong wait for something to play considering I paid all in near 500 pounds its not acceptable.Finished zombiu,got bored with mario,still playing black ops 2(with out the dlc that the consoles 7 years older already have) and aliens was what I was hoping to tide me over but the reviews have been meh.Badly managed release of the wiiu indeed

It looks like someone missed January's Nintendo direct. Its on youtube ATM. As for third parties they will be wonb over after the IP explosion.

That's because the Wii U isn't selling as well as expected & Nintendo refuses to drop the price, which most people are suggesting.

Personally, I feel there isn't any game currently out that made me say, "buying the Wii U was defenetly worth it". Those titles aren't out yet, such as the next SSB, LoZ, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, Yarn Yoshi & other stuff.

They should all be here by early next year. Than I can bet it will sell like hotcakes.


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