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Whats your opinion on game manuals and cases?

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#1 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:02 PM

I did a little Youtube rant on this topic. Tell me what you think of crappy instruction booklets and cases. I am including my video but be aware this video contains some adult language but nothing real vulgar. Do you think manuals and cases are important do do you care less? I wanna know.

Im a little AlphaOmegaSin aint I XD?


#2 SolxBurst


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:25 PM

I hate it when instruction manuals have nothing, sure there are in game manuals but I don't like it. Cases though, I understand why they cut out the case, its to save plastic and its a good idea, but it works better with 3DS games.

It's not a problem, I just prefer one way over the other. I agree with you for the most part though.


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#3 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:29 PM

As much as I like a decent manual and case, it's at this point next to irrelevant. The only time you have to admire them is when you first get it, or way back when digital distribution was a service offered only on computers.

That said, I have a LEGO Rock Raiders manual that isn't losing it's smell anytime soon, so I'm safe.

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#4 Soul



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:35 PM

Well, the ones in the game are okay. But what bothers me is that they don't want to waste paper, yet they make a pointless mini manual anyways.

#5 dmann



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:38 PM

to be honest, I think what Nintendo did with the manual is wonderful. since it saves on paper as well as the fact the the manual is on the home menu on the gamepad.

besides i doubt that many gamers would bother to look at the manual more than once.
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#6 Scumbag



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:41 PM

I remember the old days of Mortal Kombat 2 and SF2 on Mega Drive. The manuals were a constant source of info for inputting special moves etc so I think they are very useful.

I just bought Oblivion with the official strategy guide for 360 and I am using the manual a lot more to understand everything lol It helps when they are in colour too. I hate those cheap black and white manuals that EA churn out, urgh.

One thing I love about Nintendo is they have always provided excellent manuals in full colour and great artwork, the best manuals? Probably. I also have some PS3 games that have full artwork inside the box which is very nice.

#7 Gruff



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:41 PM

I do agree. I despise the recycle thing, it does make the case very flimsy. I know it's nice to save a little plastic, but I don't think it will make much of a difference, and it's not worth it to us.

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#8 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:45 PM

I hate it when instruction manuals have nothing, sure there are in game manuals but I don't like it. Cases though, I understand why they cut out the case, its to save plastic and its a good idea, but it works better with 3DS games.

It's not a problem, I just prefer one way over the other. I agree with you for the most part though.

I agree. My COD manual didnt even have instructions just safety tips. I had to use google to figure what a killstreak is and how to use it.

to be honest, I think what Nintendo did with the manual is wonderful. since it saves on paper as well as the fact the the manual is on the home menu on the gamepad.

besides i doubt that many gamers would bother to look at the manual more than once.

Sure it saves paper. But not everyone has a computer. Luckily I have one. See that killstreak comment I just made to Sol.

Well, the ones in the game are okay. But what bothers me is that they don't want to waste paper, yet they make a pointless mini manual anyways.

You speak the truth brother. Very valid point.

Edited by FallenSaturn, 11 February 2013 - 02:44 PM.


#9 DragonChi


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 02:57 PM

back in the 90s and early 2000's Game booklets were amazing. Some actually came with books that gave all kinds of lore on the games universe with amazing illustrations. Nowadays though, most of them tell you the basic controls, which is what the game is supposed to teach you anyway. It seems like a waste of paper. The only exceptions that I can think of are Collector's Editions of titles that have all the extra content, like Art Books or the Prima Game guides you buy separately, if you are into them.

So, It really all depends. Some games are not even deep enough to need them. Those that are, usually have those things obtainable some other way that you have to pay extra for.

#10 CUD


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:22 PM

I don't care anymore to be honest, I used to care about previous gens more so and I do if I'm getting a previous gen game (I guess for the collector in me) but current gen for Vita games I don't particularly care about the manual; I'll just put it on the shelf and play the game.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#11 Mushlikeahusky



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:27 PM

I usually care when I open it at first but after that I couldnt care less.
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#12 dmann



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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:37 PM

Sure it saves paper. But not everyone has a computer. Luckily I have one. See that killstreak comment I just made to Sol.

I don't know why having a computer has to do with the game manual.

all I am trying to say is that the game manual is on the gamepad, and depending on the developer and how much detail they want to put on their manual, it will be shown on the WiiU gamepad as well.

for example the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 system game manual shown on the gamepad is very small, as compared to the ZimbiU system manual shown on the gamepad has a whole load of detail to help you with the game.
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#13 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:52 PM

I don't know why having a computer has to do with the game manual.

all I am trying to say is that the game manual is on the gamepad, and depending on the developer and how much detail they want to put on their manual, it will be shown on the WiiU gamepad as well.

for example the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 system game manual shown on the gamepad is very small, as compared to the ZimbiU system manual shown on the gamepad has a whole load of detail to help you with the game.

My point is if you dont have internet and the manual doesnt tell you instructions you will be lost.


#14 CUD


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 03:58 PM

My point is if you dont have internet and the manual doesnt tell you instructions you will be lost.

Don't most games have on disc manuals though? I know Vita games and some 3DS games do.

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#15 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 04:43 PM

I miss the days of old, lets just leave it at that.............................

#16 umegames


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Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:21 PM

As much as I like a decent manual and case, it's at this point next to irrelevant.

My feelings exactly. I use to collect games, but now I'm at the point where i realize their are some games i will NEVER go back and play, so i sell them, thus, having cases means little to me now.
As for manuals, i wish they did have more instructions in them vs in the game, but since as a society we no longer read anything, manuals are nearly mute.

#17 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 12 February 2013 - 06:22 AM

I miss the days of awesome manuals. I don't do digital if I don't have to. Being a huge RPG gamer I love having fully illustrated manuals. Psone era RPGS were the best examples. When I opened my first Vita game I was pisses at no manual.
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#18 Portal



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Posted 12 February 2013 - 06:54 AM

I don't care about game manuals. Since I first started gaming, I always learned the controls and such in the first few minutes of the game. Looking at the manual is cheating. The only reason I ever even look to the left side of the game case is for those Club Nintendo points. I go straight for the game. As for cases, I love 'em. If I'm not playing a game, it's gotta go straight in the case, and who wants an ugly one? They're good for showing off your collection too. That doesn't keep my from going digital though.

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#19 Plutonas



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Posted 12 February 2013 - 07:04 AM

ur very unrespectful for mother nature Mr...Maybe u and a couple of others dont care, but others do. U dont even know what nature means in western "newborn" civilizations. You even took pagan from my country, that basically WAS NOT a religion, it was a bond of humans with nature and respect. But because you dont know what nature is, you all figured out... who f#$#cks nature.. lets f#$#$k instead! And u transformed paganism into an or#$y cult thing... doh.... educate ur selfs.

Edited by Orion, 12 February 2013 - 07:08 AM.

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