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Member Since 17 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2011 06:41 AM

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In Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

19 June 2011 - 02:06 PM

Just got the game and beat the Deku Tree. Gotta say I'm loving it, especially because I haven't played it since my childhood when it first came out; I had bought the cool gold copy and it was my first N64 game when I got it on my bday! haha, memories :P

I just registered it and ordered the CD online. Didn't run into any sort of difficulties.

In Topic: Zelda 3DS vs N64 Comparison

18 June 2011 - 08:05 PM

I definitely appreciate the subtlety of the improvements made. It doesn't change what made the original great, it just brings it up to the level of detail the designers wish the could have brought to the table originally.

I completely agree!!! :P

guess I'll wait for some sort of updated version Lite or XL style.

Eh, I wouldn't keep thinking that if I were you. For one, Nintendo has stated they don't plan on any revisions, if any, for a long time. When you think about it, there's no need for revisions. The original DS was made lite because it was too heavy...pretty simple thing. DSi was an upgrade that introduced the camera. DSiXL was just another alt version of DSi, nothing was different component wise.
So with all that being said, it's pretty obvious that the 3DS will not have a revision because there's no reason for it, it's only been done in the past to increase efficiency and introduce key features. There are no more key features to come to the 3DS and its physical state does not need improvement, at least enough to require a new system as did the first DS.
The only thing I see being a potential revision in the future, is one with a better 3D display. Apparently, scientists have just recently invented a 3D display screen that isn't merely linear parallax, but changes shape to fit the viewing angle. In short, you can look at it from several angles and move it around without losing the 3D effect. I read about this a few months ago, and unfortunately I can't find the article or source that I read. Anyway, this technology was just invented and if it can even be perfected is highly in the air, so this is all very speculative.

In Topic: Not buying a PSV

18 June 2011 - 05:33 PM

I’m probably going to wait for a price drop to get it. And I’m not just saying that (cause everyone always just “says” that) I really mean it because it doesn’t make sense for me at the moment. I really do want one badly, but I already bought the 3DS and my money’s gonna be tied in that system, buying games for it, etc. And who knows how much games will be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were more than the 3DS ones to make up for the system being cheap. Also, there’s only a few games I would want, so by the time I get it there will be a huge array of games for to to choose from (esp things like jrpgs, final fantasy, dbz, hopefully sly cooper, stuff like that which is my fav).

Even with that being said, I’m not sure about the PSVita succeeding in the long run. Sony and their business decisions in reference to profits and security concerns me a bit, and there’s a few other iffy things. The 3G model is an absolute joke, not only is it $50 extra, you most likely have to pay a monthly subscription to AT&T on top of that. Who the hell wants another data plan, that’s why we have smart phones…actually, I don’t even HAVE a smart phone atm because of the data plan price.

I think software will be pretty decent, although it might take a while to see genuine/quality games…except this is only natural! 3rd party developers have SO MUCH on their plates these days, now having demand to make up full fledge games for PS3/360, PSVita, 3DS, and Wii U. That’s 5 systems, each capable and requiring full length “console worthy” games. In the past, all portable system’s games did not take near as much work to produce and with quality. You can see what I’m talking about today with the lag in releases with the 3DS. Remember the SEVERAL awesome games revealed in development since LAST e3??? And most are still not even out! You can probably expect these similar issues with the PSVita. But remember, I’ve been talking about 3rd party games (because I think those play a very vital roll for a system’s long term survival). Now if we consider first party, Nintendo clearly has the upper hand, being that they supply content that is of general better quality, attention, and in much higher quantity with many different franchises.

Another point I think I should make (now that I’ve made a tangent into the competition between 3DS and Vita) is that I think the 3DS graphics are being highly underrated by a lot of people. This is because most probably haven’t even played with the 3DS, or if they have not enough. Just looking at screenshots and gameplay vids isn’t enough because, it doesn’t translate well in respect to quality or the 3D. After watching the trailers for 3DS on E3, they became available on my 3DS in actual 3D, and they looked exceptionally better in person on the system. Kid Icarus looked extremely more crisp and vibrant, and Resident Evil looks VERY VERY close to a 360/PS3 game. I think this is due to an array of things, one being that game makers have developed techniques for better graphics rendering with system specs that don’t seem all to powerful. Another is that graphics look better on handhelds, because the screen is smaller, making for a crisper resolution and leaving less for the eye to fond over. A third aspect about the graphics, and this is only true with 3DS, is well…the 3D. The screen is rendering the picture twice (one for each eye) and this creates a more complex graphical enhancement. BECAUSE it’s in 3D and because you’re getting two pictures, you’re getting more graphics perspective. You can experiment with this phenomenon by pausing your 3DS on a nice 3D screenshot and going back and forth between 3D and 2D. Notice that in 3D not only is it there the obvious impulse that it’s now in 3D, but the graphics overall are better. It’s like your seeing it like you see things in real life. Again, going back and forth with the slider, the colors are more vibrant in 3D and you can see slightly to the left or right around the character making it seem like your looking at something that actually exists. In conclusion, this is an aspect of the system that highly adds to the graphics quality and I urge you to try it, because it’s often overlooked when not pointed out; you’re either busy playing the game and you’re usually not constantly switching back between 2D and 3D.

So yea, I’ve wasted way too much time writing on this forum lol :P. We can can speculate all we want (with all the awesome gloriousness of fanboys catfighting haha) about the competition between these two, but who really knows….only time will tell! Long live gaming, w00t!!!

In Topic: Wii U doubts

18 June 2011 - 05:04 PM

The Wii U controller is like a swiss army knife. It can not only do a large variety of things, it can appeal to any type of gamer. Because it has dual analog, triggers, and buttons, it can be used adequately to play any "hardcore" games as well as a 360/PS3 controller can. (I'm going to assume the controller is comfortable and light as that is what's being reported from the show floor all around). ALSO, the Wii U controller can be used in a "Nintendo" way being that it has a touchscreen, motion controls, camera, mic, and speakers. You really can't go wrong with this controller, there is SO much potential! The problem with the first Wii was that the motion controls replaced stable gaming, but now with Wii U, the extra abilities just ADD to the stable controller formula. I implore you to ****WATCH THIS TRAILER**** to see just one example of this.

Graphics are not going to be an issue. Personally, I think that graphics in general are coming to a sort of plateau. While things like bumping, textures, dynamic lighting, etc. can always be improved with increasing graphics card and hardware capabilities, the overall generation of graphics doesn't have too much room to grow in respect to imitating the realism of things like human expression, etc. That's going to take technology that's not invented yet, but I hope it will be in the future. Anyway, we're not going to see a gap in generations like we have in the past for a long time. That's why MS and Sony are concentrating so much on Kinect and Move. Consoles whose only feature of having the generation's highest graphics are not acceptable anymore and need an X-Factor. Nintendo has realized and acted on this since the Wii (which was a failure to me, cause of lack of me wanting to play it much), but now have fixed their mistakes with the Wii U. Now that the graphics are high end, we will not see a lack of third party anymore based upon it not being able to handle it.

It's also silly to just toss aside the integrity of the Wii U by just thinking, "Oh, well when ps4 and xbox720 come out, the wii u is raped". What makes so many make this assumption? MS and Sony are not coming out with anything until at least 2014, and like I said, they know that graphics will not make much of a jump and that's why they are in no rush and are concentrating on trying to innovate motion controls.

On a slight tangent, I think it's time to consider that 3rd party developers have SO MUCH on their plates these days, now having demand to make up full fledge games for PS3/360, PSVita, 3DS, and Wii U. That's 5 systems, each capable and requiring full length "console worthy" games. In the past, all portable system's games did not take near as much work to produce and with quality. You can see what I'm talking about today with the lag in releases with the 3DS. Remember the SEVERAL awesome games revealed in development since LAST e3??? And most are still not even out! You can probably expect similar issues with the PSVita and Wii U. But remember, I've been talking about 3rd party games (because I think those play a very vital roll for a system's long term survival). Now if we consider first party, Nintendo clearly has the upper hand, being that they supply content that is of general better quality, attention, and in much higher quantity with many different franchises.

SO, in conclusion, I am very impressed with the Wii U because it's controller can perfectly be used for hardcore, casual, and anything in between. Because graphical specifications will not be an issue, do expect that 3rd party releases will surge once again to Nintendo, just as it was with the Gamecube. We should see all of your major 3rd's, such as COD, Assassin's Creed, GTA, etc. This alone will encourage many to not be hesitant to buy, plus this is Nintendo with all of its own franchises. The Wii U will truly be the best of both worlds.

(some of this is more or less copied and pasted from my intro thread btw  :P )

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