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Kal Dente

Member Since 25 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2016 10:46 AM

Topics I've Started

I hereby declare myself the new president of TWUF

07 April 2015 - 01:19 PM

I, Kal El aka Clark Kent aka Superman, hereby declare myself the new president of the WUF. No there will be no voting, the decision is final. No I have no political reasoning but I'm biologically better than all of you. I actually hate you all and am not the Boy Scout everyone thinks I am. I killed the last of my species because I wanted to be the last one on this planet. The only one that can rule it. You will all 

or suffer Zod's fate.




25 January 2015 - 08:23 AM

Hello! I'm Kal and I have owned a Wii U since 2 Decembers ago. I hardly used it since I only own 2 games (I am from Lebanon which is full of PS fanboys).


I am white, Christian, 16 (if I get annoying, blame it on me being a teenager :D  ), I am not the smartest person but I'm not stupid either, and I prefer Nintendo games over others. (though I doubt most of you care about my race, religion, age,etc... just stating it though)


I have owned every Nintendo console since the N64 (handhelds + home). I also own all PS consoles (except Vita) but I am not familiar with any Xboxes (Never even held the controller). If I had to choose a favourite video game, I honestly don't know what I'd choose, but the one that I'll probably never forget is Conkers Bad Fur Day which I played it (more than once) like 4 years ago (I don't think I was even born when it was released).


I think I'm going to be very active on this site and I hope that won't be a curse to you all.

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