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Member Since 22 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Jun 12 2013 09:17 PM
Community Stats
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- Active Posts 142
- Profile Views 10,698
- Member Title Cheep-Cheep
- Age 25 years old
- Birthday May 12, 1999
We need to expand the Fandom List.
Spider-Man, Professor Layton
Posts I've Made
In Topic: TellTale's The Walking Dead Discussion SPOILERS!
02 April 2013 - 09:10 AM
The hardest decision for me was killing Larry in the meat locker, as much as I hated Larry, I didn't want to be on bad terms with Lily. But I also wanted to back up Kenny because he was a good friend and he's just doing what he can for the survival of the group. In the end I chose to help Lily, and that put me on bad terms with Kenny for almost the rest of the game.
In Topic: TellTale's The Walking Dead Discussion SPOILERS!
01 April 2013 - 09:16 PM
YES! I seriously don't know how they messed up Survival Instinct so bad, but they did. Leave it to Activision.
In Topic: What music are you listening to at the moment?
01 April 2013 - 09:07 PM
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis's The Heist is a great album, I normally don't like rap and Thrift Shop has given me doubts about this album but it really shines through. My favorite tracks are Ten Thousand Hours, Same Love, Wing$ and A Wake. I really recommend checking them out, Thrift Shop is horrible though.
In Topic: Your favorite video game character?
01 April 2013 - 04:57 PM
Nathan Drake from Uncharted and Clementine from The Walking Dead are great characters.
In Topic: Which game are you playing right now ?
01 April 2013 - 04:53 PM
I've started playing the Uncharted series, in prep for The Last Of Us, I'm also playing Paper Mario Sticker Star.
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