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#316181 Europe Super Mario Maker Wii U Bundle / Hardware-Amiibo-Game
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 22 July 2015 - 09:27 PM
#315436 Fallout 4 "We're probably doing too much"
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 27 June 2015 - 02:28 AM
They always do too much. Why do you think the games are so buggy.
It's the nature of games development these and they aren't the only ones who make ambitious games and many other developers are the same. Besides they release patches to fix any issues and I personally would rather have a more ambitious game then one that isn't. Nintendo first party games as good as they typically are are not ambitious and Nintendo tends to play it safe like they do with there hardware which in today's competitive market isn't necessarily a good thing either.
- Big Boss likes this
#315434 New 1TB PS4
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 27 June 2015 - 02:09 AM
The bigger story is that it's now a matte finish on the outside.
It also has physical buttons rather then the touch ones on the current model.
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#315433 Yoshi's Wooly World reviews - GameSpot give 6/10
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 27 June 2015 - 02:06 AM
We have to wait until October in NA. So, this will tide me over.....
Thanks for the image. I'm using it as wallpaper on my laptop right now.
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#315239 Yoshi's Wooly World reviews - GameSpot give 6/10
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 23 June 2015 - 09:38 AM
I love platform games and Yoshi's Wooly World is right up my street. I'm looking forward to getting mine this Thursday.
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#314788 Yoshi Woolly World - New Japan Overview Trailer
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 17 June 2015 - 04:53 AM
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#307571 Mario Party 10 with Mario Amiibo Bundle
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 25 January 2015 - 10:42 AM
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#298176 Bayonetta 2-First Print Edition Sold Out
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 08 September 2014 - 11:04 AM
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#298045 Bayonetta 2-First Print Edition Sold Out
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 06 September 2014 - 05:52 AM
Amazon.fr still has version available
Thank you for posting that. I missed out on preordering that version at GAME which is the only UK retailer to be selling it. I've just preordered it from Amazon France for £58.54 including shipping which is cheaper then Nintendo's site and I suspect the same as GAME if not cheaper.
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Posted by Gamejunkie
on 02 September 2014 - 09:16 AM
I was unaware we had a forum rules that requires us to only use pictures from our current favorite games in our avatars.
I have a shy guy avatar because he's my favorite baddie from when I was a kid playing the original super mario - it's a nostalga thing. I used the current HD pic only because it was the first image to pop up if you search for "shy guy" on google images. By making that post you've already put more thought into my avatar than I have.
It doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about Nintendo's upcoming game release schedule.
Because according to what I've read the difficulty of Yarn Yoshi will geared towards children, not adults. Adults will find it too easy - think of how easy Kirby's epic yarn was...the yarn series is designed to be completable by children. Not enough challenge there to interest most adults.
"kiddie" in my prior post wasn't meant only as condescending although I'm certainly irked by the lack of releases marketed towards adults.
You can have an opinion but its not shared by everyone. Those games you referred to as kiddie in my opinion and I'm sure that of a lot of others are not kiddie. They are games for all ages.
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#296981 Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker Thread
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 26 August 2014 - 01:12 PM
But it's still a minigame only with more stuff and now you have to buy it...
I feel like this is the kind of game that would be perfect as a mobile app
Its more then just a mini game and it's quite a lot more depth wise. From what I played of it at GamesCom it was a lot of fun and definitely worth playing. From what I have heard it has at least 100 levels.
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#294874 external hard drive opinions
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 03 August 2014 - 09:24 AM
So my wii u memory capacity is almost full and I'm thinking of buying a hard drive. Is this onegonna work?
It should work although the USB 3.0 ports are probably overkill as if I recall correctly the Wi U only has USB 2.0 ports. You will only get USB 2.0 speed from it when downloading and transferring. That said I don't know if there is a significant difference in price between them when it comes to hard drives. You may well also need a USB Y cable and use two USB ports on your Wii U to connect it.
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#289629 was that it?
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 11 June 2014 - 05:17 AM
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#289625 Captain Toad Appreciation Thread
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 11 June 2014 - 04:59 AM
Not worth a retail release? Why not?
It's will be available in eshop I am sure but it's also getting disc release.
Why wasn't NSLU worth a retail release?
Here we have a NEW GAME (Starring Toad!) which has a chance to be very charming, and challenging, and be different then your normal plat-former yet people don't want it to be a retail release.
I'm sure the argument will be, it should be DLC for SM3DW or that it's just rehashed assests and it doesn't warrant a full title since the concept came from SM3DW.
Enjoy your yearly AssCreed and CODs.
Additionally, we do not even know the full retail price of this yet. Place holders are generic at 59.99 on Amazon, DKCTF was 49.99. Either way, I think it's worth it.
Also to note:
The assets (trailer, screenshots) are all in 1080, which Nintendo only does when the game is rendering in 1080[/size]
I agree with all this. It looks really cool and fun and is definitely worth a retail release. Its nice to see Nintendo use a lesser character from one of their major franchises in his own game. They should be doing more of this.
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#289621 Yoshi's Wooly World Thread
Posted by Gamejunkie
on 11 June 2014 - 04:53 AM
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