Member Since 27 Oct 2011Offline Last Active Dec 14 2012 08:44 PM
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Oh my. Look how shiny and new this place looks since I last logged in here!

What is it with people here spamming MLP Forums statuses about this place? Just leave it be, please.

That's still an issue. He may not have the same interest in the same place. But we cannot change his interests.
Apr 03 2012 05:39 PM -
Feld0's interests are his own concerns. If he no longer shows the same interest in these forums as he used to, complaining at him will not solve the problem. Rather, it may drive him more to not bother. Try being reasonable about it and contacting him directly and PRIVATELY to touch on the issue, rather than getting a couple of friends to invasively spam another forum he runs.
Apr 03 2012 05:49 PM -
Feld0 already kind of did that.
The only problem is that AMAC is just as active as he is.
Apr 14 2012 12:43 AM

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it! Have a nice day even if you don't!

So the MLP forums were visited by a troll this morning. Gotta love (and tolerate) him.

Needless to say, Fluttershy is already a master troll. She's so much of a master troll that Discord had to FORCE Fluttershy into turning grayer.
Nov 06 2011 03:42 PM -
Trolls suck hard,I'f you don't have anything positive or intelligent to say it shoud not be said...most of em live in their mums basements anyway.
Nov 07 2011 03:52 AM

Nico → Jonke
Happy Birthday (again), Jonke! ^^ I almost forgot you were a member of WIi U Forums, too. (Probably because I almost forgot I was, too. XD )

I went to Yoga for about half an hour and now I feel really sick and feverish... -_-'

Caius Casshern Sins
you should go get some medicine and sleep. Hope you get better.
Nov 03 2011 11:19 AM -
Auzzie Wingman
Just don't do what my mum would do... which is put a vinegar soaked cloth on my forehead. yuck
Nov 03 2011 02:35 PM

I didn't think it'd be like this, but I spend WAY more time the MLP Forums than on here.

Managed to put Dark Souls down. Now I just gotta get off of the internet and get to work on this stupid English Paper.

Well, I've never encountered parallel courses and I've been to a couple of universities so far, but I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that such a thing exists.
Anyway, I've gotta get some sleep. It's almost 3am and I've gotta get up at 8.
Oct 31 2011 11:42 PM -

A lady just walked in the Rec Room and offered everyone candy. Today is a good day to be stuck at school after all! ^^