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Member Since 27 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2012 08:44 PM

#40766 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by Nico on 03 November 2011 - 11:24 AM

Apple is indeed a very influential company, and Steve Jobs was certainly an extraordinary man, but to say that Apple has done anything influential for gaming is, quite simply, a lie.  The only thing Apple has accomplished is creating a smart phone which can play Touch Based Games (a genre of game which Nintendo pioneered) the quality of a Flash Game usually.  There are rare exceptions, such as the exceptional Infinity Blade, which do make the Smart Phone Market (read: Not just Apple) a bit more hardcore, but overall you simply cannot get a true gaming experience without physical buttons.

Shigeru Miyamoto is absolutely and unequivocally the most influential player in the history of video games, with Nolan Bushnell right behind for pioneering (though not perfecting) Electronic Gaming.  Microsoft is almost single-handedly responsible for the rise of Online Gaming for consoles, marking it high on the list of influence as a company, and Sony is home to the (once creative, now lackluster) geniuses who invented the Dual-Analog as well as first used Memory Cards (which, though not as awesome as Hard Drives, are exceptional for being portable) rather than saving data to the game copy.

Apple, on the other hand, has contributed absolutely nothing to gaming (Mac is still trailing behind PC by years in gaming).  Smart Phones aren't the rise of a new generation of gaming, rather, they are simply a fad which only the simplest of minds could possibly conceive as more comprehensive and visceral than any true gaming device.

So, what's my point with all of this? The point is that I, along with many other people, know better than to say Steve Jobs was more influential to gaming than, well, pretty much anyone else (Even Zynga was more influential than him).  A survey of 1,000 people proves absolutely nothing, as that is an extraordinarily small percentage of even a single state's population, much less a country or the world.

Let people be entertained by their smart phone games, what with their bird flinging, finger-flick slashing good times. Meanwhile, I'll be off playing real games created by true professionals with actual talent.

#40225 Fuse Your Username with the one above you!

Posted by Nico on 31 October 2011 - 08:06 AM

Spoils McOlymar

#40029 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by Nico on 30 October 2011 - 03:10 PM

1! I do not concur, for we shall conquer!

#39923 A New Challenger is Approaching!

Posted by Nico on 30 October 2011 - 12:13 PM

Welcome to the Wii U forums, NicolaiB_92! I'm Jonke and Yoshi is my number 1 fandom(Ponies close second). Nice to see some more bronies joining the forum.(We definitely need more support on the pony vs no-pony thread). ^_^
So... any specific game that you looking forward to? Excited for Wii U?

Anyway i hope you will enjoy this forum!

*Brohoof* ;)

There sure are a lot of 'Bronies' on this forum, even after the great migration to the follow the rules! You might also want look at the Newcomer's Guide. It will explain a lot of things to you, such as why we are guides, how things work around here and much more! Don't worry, it will only take 5 minutes to read both of these. You can also chat with other users in the Chat. If you need any help, you can contact either us Guides or the mods: Feld0 and AMAC. Hope you're happy here! (No, trust me. This forum is AWESOME!)

Glad you liked the title, I suppose. ^^ And I've read through all of those by now (I mean, I'm getting back to you on this a couple of days late, though, too).  This is a pretty awesome forum, and I'm enjoying it already, even though I haven't done much other than fight the good Pony vs. Non-Pony fight.

Hi,Welcome to the forums. Ponies are pretty awesome but I don't go crazy of them. I loved how you used a brawl quote because I loved brawl(Still Do). If you have any trobles ask the guides and we will help ya out.

Brawl is totally awesome! If my Wii wasn't broken I'd probably be playing it all the time still (even though I've got who knows how many hours already put into it).  I'm gonna be really out of shape when I finally get back to playing it, though.

So who's your favorite character? Your picture leads me to believe Lucas, but I could be wrong. My personal favorite is Sheik, with Marth and Olimar coming up just behind.

Hey there. I am superdarkyoshi, the eh.. darkest yoshi.

Writer/poet, musician, fencer, debater/speaker, and one fascinated with dreams and the paranormal.

So, your a brony?

Whats your favorite thing about the show?

Im not a brony myself, but Im just curious.

Oh, and I have a ps3 along with a 3ds.

Oh my, you sure do have a lot of interests up there. The only one we seem to have in common, however, is the writer/poet area. Which reminds me; I need to actually fill in my profile's About Me section.

And, uh... Yeah, I guess I'm a Brony. I don't like that term very much, but it's becoming all too clear to me that people are just gonna call me that, so I guess I don't mind. I like the show for a lot of reasons, such as the fact that it's ridiculously cute, insanely cheery (enough so to cheer me up from almost any bad mood) and pretty funny at times. However, my favorite thing about the show has to be the animation. The animation is so smooth and the attention to detail is superb. It's a pleasure to watch and it's fascinating to me that the show is Flash based.

#39696 Origin of your username

Posted by Nico on 29 October 2011 - 11:20 PM

nickname from school :P my real name ends with "kat" spelled like that, and my friends made a joke that i sold crack, and someone came up with the name Crackkat :P

When people can't get something done and you decide to give it a try do you say "Lemme have a Crackkat it?" Lame joke is lame.

Now, as for my name. I went through many years with different names online, and they were all pretty stupid, as I came to realize. So, finally, I decided I needed to get a name that had something to do with me uniquely while at the same time being something I can look at in several years and still find respectable rather than dumb.

#39654 Intro.

Posted by Nico on 29 October 2011 - 10:06 PM

Way to put forward an invigorating introduction, Seho. But, uh... welcome to Wii U forums. Now go out there and POST!
(Seriously man, I'm sitting right next to you right now, so I could totally bug you about it.)

#39112 Zelda with Only the Action?

Posted by Nico on 28 October 2011 - 03:40 PM

Well, I don't really know of too many games like Zelda (for Nintendo consoles, anyway) that have a good story but don't really have puzzles.  You might be sort of interested in Okami; it's not really a Zelda style game in that you get a bunch of gear, but it has some simple, yet visceral combat and is pretty light on the puzzles. It also has a neat (if not weird) story.

#39109 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by Nico on 28 October 2011 - 03:33 PM

And I present a 1!

#38980 A New Challenger is Approaching!

Posted by Nico on 27 October 2011 - 08:54 PM

@ Lucaren:

Yeah, I'm psyched for Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and Resident Evil Revelations the most. But, on non-Ninty consoles I'm looking forward to Skyrim (so long as Dark Souls isn't still filling up my RPG quota by the time it comes out).  As for my favorite Genre, it is undoubtedly Role-Playing Games. They're just the absolute best. The stories, the leveling, parties, equipment, sidequests, OH MY! @_@

@ Caius:

Thank you very much, I appreciate that.

@ Garolymar:

Oh-hoh! But you see, I cannot be taken on with Very Easy difficulty! For the only way I will approach your fray is for you to beat Boss Battles solo on Very Hard in under 5 minutes!
Well, okay, I'm nowhere near good enough at the game to deserve that kind of neccessity for the unlock. (I can barely beat Boss Battles on Hard). Good to see another Olimar fan, though. ^^

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