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Member Since 29 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2012 09:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do you still want Miis?

04 February 2012 - 09:28 PM

Of course there will be Miis! What better way than identifying your Nintendo Network account and playing with yourself on some games than using your Miis. They don't even need to revamp them to add more detail, just add more noses, hairstyles, hats and whatnot.

In Topic: Really important job for us all

04 February 2012 - 08:20 PM

I think Nintendo just releases too many exclusives that overshadow 3rd parties. I don't blame them, I bet must of their revenue come from selling their software, different from Sony which obtains most of their profits from selling their hardware(one of the reasons they are failing a lot right now) and Microsoft which obtains most from charging for their services. But if you compare the quality exclusives made by Nintendo to other systems you will notice that 3rd Parties are always scared of competing with Nintendo games. Granted PlayStation has a lot of great exclusives, but 3rd parties still sell much more than Uncharted or Resistance.

In Topic: What is the average age group on the website I bet I'm the youngest one h...

04 February 2012 - 07:33 PM

I feel like a grandpa on this site, I'm 19, 20 on September :(

In Topic: Why it won't matter if Wii U is not as powerful as neXtBox and PS4.

04 February 2012 - 07:30 PM

I don't think PS4 or NextBox will be that much more powerful, they don't have enough money to do something like last time. Besides, I believe that the Graphics race is over.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the RAM race. Graphics are coming to a point that until we get past the Uncanny Valley, they won't be getting any better, so until that happens, it will be who can get more stuff happening on Screen with without a drop in quality. But the problem is that RAM is more expensive then GPUs and stuff, so Sony and Microsoft can't afford to try to take out the Wii U with that either.

In Conclusion, the Wii U is great, and will not be overshadowed by either of the new systems.

Agreed 100%. Sony should focus more on bringing the company back to profitability and Microsoft is still working on integrating all of their services into one, so I don't see new consoles for at least 2 years.

In Topic: New Wii U news: Wii U will have a individual account system, and more

04 February 2012 - 07:08 PM

Nintendo's online system for Wii U will rely on the NinNet so they won't go Origin only, what may happen is that EA has a separate "channel" on Wii U were they promote their Origin services and were you can download EA games or purchase those dreaded "online passes". We know that Nintendo's new online infrastructure will be pretty flexible after all, and it makes me happy to know that Miyamoto, Reggie and Iwata have all said that Wii U will have a very strong online service.

Also in reply to giggitty3000, Iwata was just mentioning Zelda as an example, we all know Pikmin, F-Zero, Metroid and other series rely heavily on graphics so that both gameplay and presentation contribute to the experience.

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