Thank you all I'm A Big Professor Laton Fan!!! Also A Mario Fan, Zelda Fan, Sonic Fan, Kinda A Kirby Fan. Andy, I'm Looking Forward To Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7, Kirby Returns to Dream Land, Super Mario 3D Land, Skyward Sword. superdarkyoshi: I have to say, I'm quite the young gentleman, I Like tea, Solving Puzzles And Helping Others! My Fave Prof. Layton Game would have to be: The Unwound Future/ The Lost Future, Because I love all the new characters, And we learn a bit about Professor Hershel Layton's Past. Also, My Favourite the Scene where they rescue Flora from clives fortress. Brian: Short And sweet Thats how some define me! lol, My Trip was great i guess! Link: Thank you for the advice, I will use it wisely. Katana, Thanks for eveything Dude! Caius: A Good friend told me about this website, and I desided to join. Gamecollector44: Thank you!