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Member Since 30 Dec 2011Offline Last Active Feb 13 2012 05:15 PM
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I make art and plan on making small games.
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In Topic: Its official: Capcom no longer respects Mega Man
29 January 2012 - 04:07 PM
However, Bad Box Art Megaman. Come on. That's just freakin' great. I lol'd when I saw it.
In Topic: These Exist?!
22 January 2012 - 03:17 PM
........................................ Certain games for the Atari........................................ Can't post a picture.................... And don't want to.........
Ba-ha. Did a certain Nerd look over these delightful gems? ;D
Which reminds me.

I win this thread.
In Topic: Darkest Zelda Title
20 January 2012 - 08:46 AM
Darkest: OOT - the game used to scare me with its cut scenes
BEST: OOT- come on its a freaking classic and half of my childhood
Worst- Zelda II - that game totally blew... it's game play is nothing like the others and in my opinion is a complete fail
I dunno, personally I'd like to see a Zelda II and OoT hybrid.S
Still saying Awakening is bittersweet game.
In Topic: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread
08 January 2012 - 07:05 AM
Except for maybe Lucario with a newer Pokemon, but that's it.
Hopeful from some Megaman and some (or a) Square Enix character. Personally I'd prefer Neku, seeing as he's been a Nintendo exclusive. Not getting my hopes up though.
That's also a good thing to keep in when thinking of possible new fighters people, they gotta have some tie to Nintendo.
In Topic: WiiU most powerful in the next gen?
07 January 2012 - 07:47 AM
Yeah it will be like the 6th Gen(Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, and GCN), where all the consoles get multiplats and are all roughly equal in power to one another.
I know it's correct, but that bothers me. The Dreamcast ended when the Gamecube started. They never even competed, but it's the only place it fits.
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