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Member Since 08 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2012 07:58 PM

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In Topic: Are people over-praising the Wii U?

19 November 2012 - 07:48 PM

What if you want that kind of console with Nintendo games?

Lol then I don't know what to tell you.

The memory speed and CPU speed are not known at this time.

Anandtech article is a joke.

that is all.

No one can over praise or under praise it until it has a chance to show its potential.  Silly, unambitious (graphically) games like NSMBU and others don't mean anything.  Ports of current gen games are only going to look like the same game those systems run.

The Power based CPU is a great move, the amount of RAM is great.  the EDRAM is great.  The GPGPU is great.  the integration of everything is great, and the novel way in which games will be controlled is great.

I have seen undeserved criticism so far and a lot of assumptions made, but not cold facts that would lead to a denigration of the system.

So at least those (including developers on the record) who are "over praising" the Wii U can't be any worse than those hating on it based on assumptions... like anandtech with its erroneous info, assumptions and calculations of Wii U performance based off of consoles that aren't the wii( u or engadget (which likes to refer to Wii U's revolutionary, easy to use, and feature packed gamepad as "bizarre" every chance they get.)

Your posts are so informed, that's why I enjoy them.

In Topic: Who else is starting to think the Wii U is only as powerful as the 360/PS3?

19 November 2012 - 07:37 PM

I think that if anyone buys a Nintendo console for the technical specs may need to reconsider.  Honestly, I think the Wii U is a next-generation console in every sense of the term "next generation".  As already been stated, you cannot judge this console's potential on the launch games (especially any that are made by EA).  I welcome the PS4/X720, because by then, we will see if the gap between Nintendo and its competitors is as great as people envision.  It would also mean the end of ports of games made for the current generation's older architecture.

Even if there's a noticeable gap, is it worth paying an extra $100-150 for those systems? Not for me.  If i was truly interested in the eye candy, I'd take that money and invest in a high performance graphics card for my PC.  I buy consoles for the games either I can't get on the PC or prefer not to play on the PC.

I also remember a certain console that was constantly bragged by its maker regarding its technical specs.  Between the specs and the Blu Ray drive, it was marketed (and priced) as a console ahead of its time accomplishing things its competitors cannot.  How did that turn out?

Well said.

In Topic: Are people over-praising the Wii U?

19 November 2012 - 07:16 AM

I agree with you on that, but don't keep something if you are truly unhappy with it. Take it back and get something you truly enjoy. If I was harsh I apologize. I have a natural sarcastic disposition (it's part of my charm lol), but I wouldn't keep something that doesn't make me happy.

In Topic: Are people over-praising the Wii U?

19 November 2012 - 07:01 AM

PotatoHog- I have three Wii U's in my house dear. All of them work and I don't buy into hype. I've been playing Nintendo games for 26 years. I'm 31 and have no qualms about it. This tech jargon is taking the joy away from gaming, and my advice still stands: if you are so dissatisfied then return it. As such, I'm done commenting on this overblown matter. Have a good day, and all the best to you.

In Topic: Anandtech teardown reveals that memory is even slower

19 November 2012 - 06:56 AM

Take the Anand "article" with a ton of salt.

Way too many assumptions made regarding speed, gpu, cpu, etc.

The only facts to take from the article are size measurements and power useage.

And then to cement their stance on wii u (nothing's changed with these guys over the last decade), they call it current gen.

The whole assumption based nature of the article is an embarassment to themselves.

Already they've posted a correction. and that will be corrected again if they care about real testing and honesty.

And the fact that the wii u is only using so much power to even do Netflix is a testament to its efficiency. Not lack of power.

The 360 for example helps no one electric bill just running Netflix.

Wait for a real tear down from folks who don't make quick and erroneous assumptions.

If it were a OC, they'd be trusted. It's not.

End of story.

Thank you.

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