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Member Since 08 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2012 07:58 PM

#133244 Are people over-praising the Wii U?

Posted by Rubix87 on 19 November 2012 - 05:47 AM

Yes it is, if there is nothing wrong with your system what is your issue? People agreeing with you have nothng to do with the fact that it's a dead thread. IF you like it keep it. IF you don't, DON'T keep it. Plain and simple.

I just want to say most consoles launch with a ton of problems that are fixed later on during its life. Yes, the OS being slow sucks and does get annoying, but it's not a HUGE deal breaker for me. At the end of the day, if you want the WIi U, buy it. If not, then wait for what the competitors have to offer. Maybe what they do will suit your needs more.

Thank you, you make sense.

#133235 Are people over-praising the Wii U?

Posted by Rubix87 on 19 November 2012 - 05:41 AM

I'm tired of people saying "Don't worry, Nintendo will be great because I know they can" without providing any solid evidence. The slow memory and slow CPU are a fact until proven otherwise. And all the Wii U problems are also a fact. Nintendo deserves no credit when the Wii U is having all these problems.

No, no one is over praising the Wii U. If you look at the mountains of data, your posts included, there are more negatives than positives. This is an over stimulated bias that has resonated within the industry for years, and if you have so much doubt and dissatisfaction, simply don't get one. Get a PS4 or a 720. If specs are your true motivating factor, then you are not going to be pleased with the Wii U. If you need 15 cores and a 7xxx series chip, then you don't want the Wii U, you want something else. But this constant thread creating of the same silly argument is getting old. If you are so unsure, don't buy one. It's as simple as that. Geez...

#132848 Who else is starting to think the Wii U is only as powerful as the 360/PS3?

Posted by Rubix87 on 18 November 2012 - 06:48 PM

The CPU is an important part of the picture and developers have said it was weaker than the 360/PS3. I just got through talking to someone who said the Wii U's RAM at 17GB/second was still better than the 360's/PS3's, but I don't know who to believe - him or myself. But I think the 17GB/second RAM will limit the supposedly fast GPU. Also there is 2GB RAM but you can only really count it like 1GB because 1GB for a console OS is excessive. I've heard the PS3 or 360 only use 32MB for OS.

If you have this much doubt, then simply cancel your preorder and wait for specs. Stick with what you've got now, it's that simple.

#132845 Flawless Wii U thread

Posted by Rubix87 on 18 November 2012 - 06:41 PM

Ok. Just want to let people see that not is all gloom and doom. People are claiming to be canceling orders (don't see why...there is a warranty).

I plugged in my GamePad. Connected system. Turned on power and followed instructions.

Mine works....anybody else?

First off thank you for starting a POSITIVE forum, and my Wii U works wonderfully. I had no problems whatsoever.

#59191 Your favorite game that no one plays

Posted by Rubix87 on 02 February 2012 - 09:33 AM

unfortunately i dont have the hardware to play it on :( unless its a virtual console title

It's on the Wii virtual console. It's a gem; many of the story lines in JRPG's today are based off of it. It was ground breaking when it came out in the early 1990's.

#57200 Best Graphical Games That would go good on WiiU

Posted by Rubix87 on 25 January 2012 - 06:56 AM

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Metroid will be Nintendo's graphical bench mark. The big N has always been the best when it comes to their own hardware, and I think Metroid will be the game to showcase that. Hopefully all will be revealed at e3; I think this is the Retro project (I hope this is the Retro project; I loved the Prime series).

#53366 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by Rubix87 on 11 January 2012 - 10:00 AM

I think this thread is a severe over reaction to nintendo's CES showing. The system was simply reacquainted with the public, they never promised anything more than what was given, and given their competitor's history I think it's wise for nintendo to proceed with caution. IF they did announce something huge, there is a great chance the PS and XBox would possibly take the idea and copy it as their own. After the full reveal we know this will be the case, but why give the competition more time to copy if they don't have to. It comes down to simple logic.

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