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Member Since 14 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 14 2012 07:42 PM

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In Topic: For those of you who don't check your emails.

14 May 2012 - 10:19 AM

I think they've been under attack all but constantly for the past month.

It seems that they're currently doing better on their new sever. Anyways, it may still be a good idea to think this over.

In Topic: For those of you who don't check your emails.

13 May 2012 - 11:19 PM

Of course, that's a given.  I'm just saying that if the MLP forums can still be taken down even with enough security measures...

I know, I acknowledge the fact that with a large enough botnet you could theoretically take down whatever site you so choose. I just want to give some ideas of preventing DDOS attacks, so that if the botnet is small enough, we won't see this problem again -- hopefully.

In Topic: For those of you who don't check your emails.

13 May 2012 - 11:01 PM

In the end, a sheer amount of anonymous users can still take down a site with iptables.  They've done it before with government run sites, so MLP should be just as easy for them with less possibilities of legal action.

In the end the point is that it's always smart to take precautions.

P.S. I doubt the botnet that attacked MLP forms is the size of the botnet that was needed to take down a government site.

Here I found some stuff for you guys to look over. Maybe it will help.




Of course, Most options will hinge on how far you are willing to go. So I suggest taking some time to think about if it's worth it, and if the attackers are likely to strike again.

In Topic: For those of you who don't check your emails.

11 May 2012 - 12:06 PM

But in the end it always comes back, nothing is lost.

And if their server doesn't have proper DDOS protection yet, then it's best that they find a new one.

And while I know that it's technically impossible to be 100% protected from DDOS attacks. There are plenty of measures that can be taken to prevent them from happening. A popular method is iptables.

In Topic: For those of you who don't check your emails.

11 May 2012 - 10:26 AM

I guess it's just me, but I still find a DDOS to be the easy way out. It doesn't cause any real damage to small websites like the mlp forums, other then temporarily delay postings.

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