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Member Since 10 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2012 02:03 PM

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no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

11 June 2012 - 01:05 PM

IGN interviews Shiggy

"You have to be very careful that you don't drop frames as you're trying to sync up with other players over what could be a very great physical distance, over the internet. But in the situation of Pikmin, for example, since you would have lots of individual, small creatures, the Pikmin, whose every movement and location is going to be really important in the game, it would be very difficult to sync up over an internet connection."

"So I think what we've decided to do is focus on the single-player and local multiplayer aspects, which are really fun. But unfortunately, no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3. But the co-op local multiplayer is really fun."

I kinda feel like Miyamoto is kinda getting behind on the times and not wanting to change lately. He makes fun games sure, but he seems to always leave out modern aspects in them like online and such. I'm old; I don't have friends come over to play video games with me anymore. The only times I get to play multiplayer is when it is online. He doesn't seem to cater to people in my situation.

I still prefer Nintendo systems, but I keep leaning more and more towards 3rd party games. They seem to be more inline with my gaming preferences and needs. I don't really understand how he can use online capabilities as a reason why this game wouldn't work online. I've been playing RTS games since dial-up modems back in the 90s.

What do you guys think? Is Miyamoto getting to be behind the times? Or do you still crave everything he makes? IS it dissapointing to you too that Pikmin won't have online?

Won't hear from Retro for awhile - per IGN article

06 June 2012 - 11:43 AM

IGN Article

Rich interviewed Reggie and asked about Retro and basically said they are working hard but won't hear anything from them for awhile.

The rest of the interview is pretty good too. Helped a bit of my current dissappointement of E3 and Nintendo.

He confirms there won't be a lot of 3rd party support from Western developers until there is a bit of an install base with the system, he said that's just how they work.

Posting comments on Wii U Go

16 March 2012 - 06:01 AM

Whenever I try to post a comment on one of the articles on the home page(Wii-U Go) it never shows up.  I tried posting it again and I get a message that says something like "Looks like you already posted this same message".  But it never appears.

Haven't heard from EA in awhile

14 March 2012 - 10:12 AM

Is it just me or has EA been kinda quiet lately in regards to praising or even talking about the Wii-U?

Earlier, they were one of the top supporters of it and praising it left and right.  Every week it seemed there was another article about EA talking Wii-U this and Wii-U that.

Conspiricy time:  I wonder if Nintendo decided not to use Origin exclusively or something like that and it upset EA a bit?

Anyone else notice this?  Or did I maybe just miss some news?  GDC, we just heard that the Medal of Honor game would be released on Wii-U right?  But they didn't hype it or talk specific about the Wii-U version right?


10 February 2012 - 02:42 PM


Been lurking this site since it started and figured I might as well register finally.

I've been going by the online name of Hoodbury for a short while now (2008ish probably), it was my alts name in Lord of the Rings Online and then I chose to use it over my more LOTRish name my 'main' used.  So Hoodbury has stuck and seems to be a universal name that works for different games and genres.

I'm 29 years old and have been gaming on Nintendo consoles from the NES in 1987 and every console since.  I skipped the handheld market for the most part but I do have a 3DS now and am really impressed by it and enjoy it a lot.

I just sold my Wii last week along with all of it's games to start my Wii-U fund, so now I am consoleless until the Wii-U comes out.  So basically, I am hoping for a sooner rather than later release date, heh.  Until then though, the 3DS will keep me busy.

I had a lot of fun on the Wii, but as time went on, I started to get a bit more and more upset that it wasn't getting 3rd party support.  Call me the most crazy Nintendo fan you've met, but I kind of grew away from Mario and Zelda.  Most of my Wii gametime was from the Call of Duty games and Monster Hunter.

I tried a PS3 at a friends house a few years ago, and I just couldn't handle dual analog sticks anymore.  I actually really like the control and feeling of the Wiimote and nunchuck even for Call of Duty and Monster Hunter.  So even though the new tablet controller looks cool and spiffy, I might just end up using the Wiimote and chuck more often than not if possible.

I guess that's me in a nutshell.  Can't wait for e3 and for the console to actually release like the rest of you.

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