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Member Since 24 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2012 03:07 PM
I don't know if I want to open my Wii U now, or if I want to wait until Christmas. What do you guys think I should do? Updated 23 Nov · 7 comments

About Me

I, obviously, am Jakester897. I don't really know how to begin these things, so let's cut to the chase; I think that kids my age are dumb, lazy, and do some WAY age-inappropriate things. It's almost scary.
My favorite color is green, and my favorite genres are puzzle, platformer, and adventure. When I'm not playing video games, I'm on the computer or reading a book. I don't watch much TV, and there is no way I'm going outside in the current state of my township. I've not had much luck with social skills, which ironically restricts my friendships to respectable people, and I hate cliches.

Okay, the was probably disorganized, but not everyone will be reading this, so who cares?

Community Stats

  • Group Members
  • Active Posts 216
  • Profile Views 9,831
  • Member Title Spiny
  • Age 25 years old
  • Birthday April 6, 1999
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Planet Earth
  • Interests
    I enjoy video games, law, and algebra sometimes. I also have the most amazing time wasting ability on the planet.
  • Fandom
    Mario, Zelda, puzzle games, Pikmin

25 Excellent

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