hello and welcome to the forums
what game type do you like the most?
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Mario Kart
Member Since 23 Mar 2012Offline Last Active May 19 2012 09:28 AM
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 3
- Profile Views 7,068
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 26 years old
- Birthday June 4, 1998
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Luigi raceway - MK7
Cricket and hockey and swimming
Mario kart!!! and other games
being 13!!! -
Mario Kart series!!!
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Hello!
19 April 2012 - 08:37 AM
In Topic: Sepharos Asks [Interviews]
31 March 2012 - 09:39 AM
Hes doing interviews on this forums as well???
what has the world come to???
what has the world come to???
In Topic: Mario Kart Wii U
24 March 2012 - 12:14 AM
Well i do hope this comes as the best Mario Kart yet
I hope they keep underwater and gliding as that was a good addition
lets hope they add something like you are able to dig underground or something like that.
I hope they keep underwater and gliding as that was a good addition
lets hope they add something like you are able to dig underground or something like that.
In Topic: Mario kart fanboy alert!
24 March 2012 - 12:08 AM
thanks guys for the warm welcome
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