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Member Since 01 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2013 02:14 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What type of Gamer do you consider yourself to be?

17 September 2012 - 02:11 PM

Im a core gamer but i lean more to the hardcore side but we shouldn't be grouping gamers into categories were all gamers no matter what games we like to play.

In Topic: Should I sell my PS3 for a Wii U?

17 September 2012 - 02:08 PM

The Last of Us is a PS3 exclusive and it's developed by naughty dog it's not coming to the PC because if it was on PC i would have pre ordered that game i seems pretty good.

In Topic: Wii U SKU's at launch (RUMOR)

04 September 2012 - 03:55 PM

Really? Your going to compare apples to oranges dude? This is a brand new next Gen system. Last gen consoles with hard drives are 250 because its near the end of their lifespan. $300 is an amazing price point.

im not saying the $300 for the Wii U is a bad value but i think for that price you should get a controller,console,and HDD that is at least 60-120 GB.

In Topic: Wii U SKU's at launch (RUMOR)

04 September 2012 - 04:25 AM

I know this is a rumour but really $300 and no hard drive and you just get one game and the console  sounds awful in terms of value because you can get current gen consoles with a 250 gig hard drive and a game for the same price and that would just turn off consumers. But it is possibly that they can make  $350 model with a game,console,and hard drive and a $249.99 model with just the console.

In Topic: Wii U games that have been overlooked - Official Topic

16 August 2012 - 04:43 PM

I agree that scribblenauts is so over looked i mean come on the amount of things you can do in this game looks amazing and plus it's open world is just another added bonus.  

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