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Member Since 24 May 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 05 2013 04:09 AM

Topics I've Started

Best 3rd Party Component

05 February 2013 - 03:31 AM

I have a Video Game capture card that supports only component cables.
I want suggestions for 3rd Party component cables as there isn't any first party stock..

Thanks in advance

Wii U OS open source

12 January 2013 - 01:58 AM

So either I wasn't paying attention to recent news or Nintendo has been very quiet about this
I was looking at the tech specs page of the Wii U at the official website and it had stated that the Wii U OS is open source and they had a link to the page where you can download it (below)


I'm not sure what this means, but I hope it gives us the ability to customise the OS (Custom Background Anyone?)

Tritton or Turtle Beach?

17 November 2012 - 10:50 PM

Which headset should I get? The Kunai or the N11? I wanna get one for my Wii U I'll be getting in December ( I was hoping for a same time US launch like always but my distributor in my country decided to be extra douchey this time).

Wii U compatibility with Avermedia?

19 September 2012 - 01:20 AM

This topic maybe off to what's going around today, but it's more of a question. I want to get an Avermedia C281 so that I can record gameplay (already had another topic on that). I asked Avermedia as a precaution, and boy did that save me a few bucks. I asked them for Wii U compatibility with the Avermedia device. They replied, but it was very confusing.

Thanks for your interested in our product and the detailed information. Regarding your inquiry, kindly be informed that the Wii U supports the resolution 1080p态1080i态720p态480p 480i, also higher Open GL; we're sorry that C281 supports only 1080i and doesn't support Open GL. Therefore we don't think the product would satisfy your demand. Kindly refer to the product information as the below link for your reference:

So one thing I don't get, they state that the Wii U has so and so resolutions supported and has opengl. They later go on to talk about the product supporting upto 1080i, which is under the resolultions supported (they even stated it). Also OpenGL is also used on Wii, which is one of the supported devices on the Avermedia. I mistakenly asked them about "Higher Open GL" and I guess they got confused by that. In the end, they say that the product will not satisfy my demand, which they probably assumed was 1080p recording (all I need is 720p). I need to clarify to know if it will record Wii U capture card ASAP as I will be travelling to US this December (Singaporean) and I want to pick up one there (nothing is available here). Also I only need TV Output, so if can't get to capture the screen, I already have another setup.

Oh and once I get the Wii U and this, I can give you my channel name so that you can see some of my videos!

Wii U Video Capture?

26 August 2012 - 04:57 AM

I just realised something recently. With the Wii U having two screens to power (the T.V +  Gamepad), how will I be able to record gameplay with my current video capture cards? Will I have to buy a new one? That would suck.. <_< . Maybe I'll just have to use a video cam to record my Gamepad screen seperately. :(

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