It is sad, and feels out of no where. Almost have to wonder if he knew by fact of not attending e3.
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Member Since 28 May 2012Offline Last Active Dec 22 2016 11:14 PM
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- Member Title Chain Chomp
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday June 20, 1988
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Sports, gaming, reading, creating and editing videos
Sonic and Megaman
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- NNID Donte2k
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In Topic: Satoru Iwata passed away
12 July 2015 - 04:07 PM
In Topic: Came back to the WII U
17 June 2015 - 02:42 PM
a moth hahaha. welcome back
In Topic: Leak: amiibo for Animal Crossing & Mario 30th Anniversary Incoming?!
14 June 2015 - 09:44 PM
can't wait to see some animal crossing and all that good stuff
In Topic: Mario Sunshine DLC in Splatoon?
14 June 2015 - 06:23 AM
Adding Mario demeans Splatoon. It's a bold new game from Nintendo that builds on the future and needs to stand on it's own so it's not held back by older IPs esp Mario. It will show Nintendo just does not trust their garage team to do anything by themselves. It shows Nintendo does not trust anything but old IPs. It proves the criticisms of new to old IP's correct in most peoples eyes. Splatoon needs to prove itself by itself. Xenoblade didn't need Mario. nor does this. Esp in development they said they tried Mario and gang and it never felt right to them it never worked well until they created something new. It's also a way to bring in non Nintendo fans.
splatoon, imo, is already successful, and will have good legs going onward, so adding mario say 6 months or year later doesn't say anything bad about splatoon in any way.
In Topic: Mario Sunshine DLC in Splatoon?
06 June 2015 - 08:59 AM
Trying to understand when the day came that crossing over nintendo IP's was a bad thing.
Mario sunshine would make a great add-on for splatoon, either as an extended single player event with mario as the boss,
or adding mario as a neutral AI controlled threat in turf war, neutralizing the field with FLUDD
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