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Member Since 05 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2012 04:52 PM

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In Topic: Lots of New confirmed WiiU games from last night

09 June 2012 - 11:53 AM

uh about THQ, they cancelled Metro, and we certainly didnt see any other thing from them regarding to WiiU at e3

Metro was not canceled, they are putting all efforts into the PS3/360 version for now.. I am sure you will see it on the Wii U in 2013...

In Topic: I still believe Wii Sports U is coming...

09 June 2012 - 11:52 AM

They're also making a fitness game for Wii U if my memory is correct, yet that isn't stopping Nintendo from releasing Wii Fit U.

But yeah, I can see Wii Sports U being announced as a last-minute thing. We've still yet to see if anything came of that little E3 2011 game where you catch baseballs using the Wii U pad.

That Wii Sports U promo video of that golf game made a lot of people talk as well, with the Wii U Gamepad on the floor and the golf ball on the screen... Why show it (especially in the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct video) if you dont plan on releasing it...

In Topic: Nintendo Needs to Create a New Franchise Already

09 June 2012 - 11:19 AM

Non-Specific Action Figure: The Game?

In Topic: Worst Conference

09 June 2012 - 11:14 AM

Nope.. I think Nintendo had a good conference. I think that people were expecting way too much though... I also believe that the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct kind of took some thunder out of the conference... Meaning that Nintendo showed off what the system could do in that Nintendo Direct... If they had waited I think people would not be saying that the conference was bad... They had 2 days to have all that stuff sink in, and they wanted more...

Overall I think Nintendo did a good job. In about 3-4 months E3 2012 will be an afterthought... and people will be seeing more of what this system can do... They will be happy in October (which I am guessing is the release month)...

In Topic: My impressions about Nintendo E3

05 June 2012 - 09:37 PM

We still have Tokyo Game Show and I am also sure that we will see a lot of Nintendo Direct videos before October/November when the Wii U launches...

Also, I have to actually hand it to Nintendo... They are finally making changes... and they are not as tight-lipped as they used to be back in the day... They have embraced the social media genre as well.. posting stuff on facebook, twitter, etc... A few years that was just not the kind of thing Nintendo would do...

I believe that the Wii U and 3DS will be big players in the coming years... The Wii U games will come... Do we really care about games like SiNG and Wii Fit U? No.. But I hope they sell like crazy!!! Sales = more systems sold... More systems sold = More developers jumping on-board to develop for the Wii U...

We also still have so much more to learn about the Wii U OS...

If anything I am excited about the coming months... This should be a great year for Nintendo fans... Both with the Wii U and 3DS... The 3DS had a lackluster launch and look at it now... tons of great stuff coming... The games will come... This time next year E3 2012 will be an afterthought, and we will be seeing a ton of great software for the Wii U...

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