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Member Since 05 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2012 04:52 PM

Topics I've Started

I still believe Wii Sports U is coming...

09 June 2012 - 11:10 AM

Call it a gut feeling, but I still believe that Wii Sports U will be a game that hits at launch and a game that will be packed in with the Wii U...

It would be the smart move to make from a business standpoint IMO...

First, I can see Nintendo Land selling on its own. Some people bash Nintendo Land... but pretty much every hands-on preview gave the game rave reviews...

Second, we alread saw Wii Sports U in video form... The golf and baseball games were shown at last yeqars E3.. AND they showed it again in the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct video...

Third it would be a big selling point for the Wii U. While Nintendo Land does show off what the Wii U gamepad can do, Wii Sports helped sell the Wii.. It had a huge appeal to kids, adults and even senior citizens. It was just a charming addictive game (especially bowling)...

I believe we will have one.. maybe two more Nintendo Direct videos before October 2012... And Nintendo will announce price, release date and a few more titles not announced at E3 (maybe first and or 3rd party)...

This is my own personal speculation... I just do not see Nintendo launching the Wii U without a Wii Sports game. And I know Nintendo.. They like to show everything on their own time (Nintendo Direct)...

If you were stuck on a deserted island...

05 June 2012 - 09:26 PM

And you had a unlimited electricity and a HDTV on this island (I know... far-fetched but bare with me)... what one game (and the system that plays it) would you want with you?

What is that one game that would keep you sane until someone rescued you?

It could also be a handheld game/system (complete with your charger)...

hey all... Erasure242 here...

05 June 2012 - 09:21 PM

I am not good at introductions so I will just break it all down... The name is Sean... 37 year old gamer here... Been playing games since the Atari 2600.. LOL... over 30+ years now...So I am an old fart when it comes to gaming...

I own GCN and The Mario Report and a few other websites although these sites are not as active as I would like them to be (work takes away a lot of my writing time and my current staff can only do so much). I used to be an editor for Next level Gaming until 7 years ago when I went off to do my own thing... In my daily life I am a lab chemist but I do these websites in my spare time now... But much like most of you I LOVE gaming... It keeps me out of trouble... LOL

I've attended many many trade shows and E3's but did not go this year... Way too much $$$ for just myself and also my job comes before gaming pleasure so I had to pass (which stinks because I wanted to see Wii U in person)...

Own petty much every system i've ever purchased, right down to a near-mint NES system still in box (my pride and joy)...

I do not consider myself a "fanboy" of any one camp or system, I believe that its cool to own and play all systems to experience everything out there... I would say though that I am a closet Nintendo fanboy because its where my roots are... The NES was the system that really got me into gaming back in the 80's...

Glad to be here with the rest of those that love Nintendo so dearly...

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