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Member Since 06 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2016 03:19 AM

#129124 New Japanese ND already out!

Posted by storabajskorven on 14 November 2012 - 07:56 AM

Does this mean the 3tb hdd I bought won't work?

Couldn't he partition the drive somehow beforehand and only use one partition with the Wii U? Or how do those things work...?

#123101 Nintendo Pushed Back 1st Party Titles For 3rd Party Titles

Posted by storabajskorven on 31 October 2012 - 06:26 AM

The third party titles theyve pushed back for are year old ports.... its a sneaky move to let those games fail so they can say "cant say we never support the 3rd party titles"... Its just yet another way Nintendo has found to choke out its own consoles games so that it can dominate the gaming market for its own console and boost 1st party sales...

The year old ports are in a small minority among the 3rd party titles, silly.

#120619 Upcoming Legend of Zelda on the Wii U

Posted by storabajskorven on 23 October 2012 - 01:24 AM

As we all know, Nintendo has announced a new Legend of Zelda on the Wii U. We have been informed that the game might be the best out of all the previous Legend of Zelda titles. What do you all think? I personally believe the game will be an incredible and unforgettable experience.. The game might be released between 2013-2014..

They have? When did they announce the new Legend of Zelda? Do you have a link (no pun intended)?

#119633 Zelda using gamepad

Posted by storabajskorven on 20 October 2012 - 01:43 PM

Crap! I wanted to play kirby return to dream land with the wii u.

So what's stopping you? Just buy a wii-mote.

#115802 Japanese Wii U game covers

Posted by storabajskorven on 08 October 2012 - 01:45 AM

I disagree with having different colours depending on the age limit, but I like the darker blue. Would look great on Mario and Rayman games too.

#115795 WiiTalkUListen Episode 1 is up now

Posted by storabajskorven on 07 October 2012 - 11:38 PM

Nice (I assume you'll fix the sound issues for the next episode).

#114843 Gamecube/Wii games you want in 1080p Full HD on Wii U

Posted by storabajskorven on 03 October 2012 - 08:57 PM

But the games you list already have great graphics, even without HD. So, my pick would be Xenoblade Chronicles, because that's a bit ugly sometimes.

#111409 Wii U pro controller or Wii mote?

Posted by storabajskorven on 22 September 2012 - 08:45 AM

Right....this definitely makes sense.....but in my head its like this....I'm trading in the ps3 neway, and it sounds like I should be getting a mote and a chuck neway? Why not just grab a Wii for the next two months, enjoy that.....and that comes with a wiimote and chuck. So basically. If I'm spending 60 on wiimote and nchuck already, then why not just cough u the extra 70 or so dollars of trade in cash to have a Wii for the next two months, not too mention in could probably trade in Mario for something after, and maybe get something for the Wii console on eBay........thoughts?

My thoughts are: If the Wii is 150 bucks, and the wiimote+nunchuk is 60 bucks, you'll have 90 dollars to spend on games if you skip the Wii. Either use them for a WiiU game and a half, or get some used Wii games - there are definitely some worth playing (Pikmin, Metroid Prime trilogy, Monster Hunter tri, Xenoblade Chronicles and Super Mario Galaxy to mention a few). Plus a used wiimote+nunchuk should be a little less than $60, right? (Don't get cheap and buy a non-Nintendo made wiimote+nunchuk pair though...)

Besides, a two-month pause in your gaming is not necessarily a bad thing - read some books as a substitute to get your appetise up for the WiiU launch...

#110888 New confirmation by IBM of custom 45nm Power7 chip

Posted by storabajskorven on 21 September 2012 - 04:47 AM

To me, it seems as if they don't want to say "PowerPC" or "Power7", simply because it is a custom chip. A modified Power7 is not the same thing as a Power7 chip. So, in the first tweets where they say "Power7", they meant it in a loose sense, that it was a custom chip, based on the Power7. And then, when people started to ask if it really is a Power7 chip, they back and say it's a custom Power architecture based chip, which is technically more true.

Edit: They probably won't answer specific questions about the exact chip, I'm quite sure Nintendo wouldn't want that to be revealed. So "Power architecture" is probably as specific as they will be.

#109402 New confirmation by IBM of custom 45nm Power7 chip

Posted by storabajskorven on 18 September 2012 - 12:34 AM

AT NO POINT DID IBM SAY WIIU HAD A POWER 7 try reading the english languge correctly

they said a long time ago like whatson's brain YES>>>>>LIKE<<<<< whatsons brain aka 45nm and EDRAM

the above tweet or whatever again there refering to LIKE POWER7 the tweet clearly shows power7 45nm silicon on insulator the marketingh guys at IBM are marketing the PROCESS as thye same as power 7 ITS WORD TRICKERY your just not reading it right



gx single core powerpc GX2 wiiu multi core powerpc GET IT

OK, so the words "The WiiU is a custom 45nm power7 chip" actually translates into "The WiiU is not a power7 chip. It is however built using the same process as a power7 chip." Very clever use of words, indeed. IBM almost tricked me there, glad you're here to sort things up.

#109170 What type of Gamer do you consider yourself to be?

Posted by storabajskorven on 17 September 2012 - 02:16 PM

OK, I can see what is meant by a "casual" gamer, but how is Call of Duty a "greater challenge" than, say, Super Mario 64? I don't understand the significance of your question. I think Call of Duty is a good example of a game that is not really meant to have much depth, but just offer some fun gameplay that appeals to a lot of people, like New Super Mario Bros, or Wii sports.

#109059 New confirmation by IBM of custom 45nm Power7 chip

Posted by storabajskorven on 17 September 2012 - 10:46 AM


So... is there still going to be a discussion about this, or do we believe IBM is telling the truth here...?

#104556 More, equally credible, Zelda Wii U rumours from Nintendo Gamer

Posted by storabajskorven on 05 September 2012 - 04:37 AM


#104365 I think I just found out the Wii U Launch info?

Posted by storabajskorven on 04 September 2012 - 02:09 PM

u can't be serious. if this isn't a leak on the internet then i don't know what is XP

Yeah yeah... I just meant that if game shop owners knew, everybody would knew immediately, and there would have been the same rumour all over the internet. But sure, the first post about the rumour would have to be somewhere, so why not here, right?

#104344 Wii U Zelda 2014 rumor

Posted by storabajskorven on 04 September 2012 - 01:37 PM

You make some really good points. Now that I read your post I'm thinking it probably is fake.


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