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Member Since 12 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2012 11:00 AM

Topics I've Started

Multiple Gamepads Slowdown

16 June 2012 - 11:18 PM

Just wanted to see what people thought about multiple gamepads slowing down games' FPS for the Wii U. Do you see it being a huge problem? It's not that noticeable on the 3DS when some games get capped when playing in 3D mode (not all games do it), but you can tell the difference. Being that not every game gets slowdown on the 3DS with 3D mode on, it would be safe to assume that it's not just the fact that the 3D is on that the FPS gets capped, but it has more to do with what's actually being drawn on-screen.

If the Wii U's the same, then wouldn't it stand to reason that you would have to be running a fairly graphically intensive game for 2 gamepads to slow down the FPS (and not just using the console)? It seems to me that there are a couple of ways to work around this without actually solving it, like turning off the TV display and just showing the screens, or turning off the gamepad screens and just showing the TV screen. It sounds weird to me that if you've got a map on the gamepad screen, the game will run at 30 FPS, and if you don't, it will run at 60.

Project P-100

12 June 2012 - 08:33 AM

Project P-100 is being made by Platinum Games, and is, as far as I can tell, a launch title for the Wii U. I didn't see any thread here, so I thought I'd post about it. It's looking like Viewtiful Joe + Pikmin, but more action oriented.


Wannabe Game Dev Says Hi

12 June 2012 - 07:07 AM

Hey. I'm a wannabe game developer who goes by the name SolarLune. I'm currently working on a top-down Gameboy Color-style 3D action adventure title not unlike the retro portable Zelda titles named "Soldier Of". I took a break from that, though, to work on an FPS to finish in 7 days for the 7DFPS challenge that's currently going on.

Follow me on Twitter if you have an account and want to see the progress that I'm making.

Here are some pics.


I like to make music with the free cross-platform tracker SunVox, and I also like to attempt to make games (obviously, ha ha) with the free, cross-platform Blender Game Engine.

Nice to meet ya.

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