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Member Since 27 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2012 07:26 PM

Topics I've Started

Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

27 June 2012 - 09:55 PM

It was confirmed at E3 that Olimar is not going to be a playable character, and it is a "secret" what has happened to him. What do you think happened? I personally think that maybe Olimar retired. Or maybe was stranded on the Earth and maybe this family of new characters came to save him. And what about Louie and the President? Oh well. The best we can do is wait for more details. But in the meantime, lets speculate. What do you think happened to Olimar, Louie, and the President?

Attached File  president.jpg   4.66K   626 downloads Attached File  olimar.jpg   7.09K   553 downloads

Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

27 June 2012 - 03:43 AM

There is no doubt that I will be purchasing this game. However, there are some concerns that I have with the game. How it will make itself different enough from previous installments, notably its Wii counterpart. Sure, there is the GamePad that will make platforms appear, but is that all the player with the GamePad can do? Surely, there will be more things revealed. The backgrounds look amazing and creative though! An obvious visual jump has been made too with its crisp visuals. Anyway, I am excited for this game along with other Wii U titles! What are your thoughts or comments on the game? Let me know!

Attached File  bros u.jpg   7.93K   411 downloads

Hello all!

27 June 2012 - 02:44 AM

Hello, my name is Edrick! I've been a gamer since age three, an amatuer Let's Player on Youtube, and a very hyper young boy. I am very glad to be a part of the forums!

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