NSMB is a very well established brand, and it's older than Mario Galaxy.Zombi U and NSMBU is cool and all, but I think Nintendo is dropping the ball by not launching with more established games, such as Mario Galaxy or a 3d Mario game. Maybe even Mario Kart, Zelda or something.
Also, 2D Mario predates 3D Mario by a great many years.
You're just acting spoiled in my opinion.
You're getting a unique game which has the potential to be great fun (Scribblenauts), the best selling Mario franchise (NSMB), a fantastic third party effort (ZombiU), possible fun game bundled with your console (NintendoLand), a quality exclusive platformer (Rayman), a blockbuster (Cod), good indie titles on the eshop (trine 2, tokitori, nano assault neo), and more good games coming after launch, like pikmin 3, bayonetta 2, etc.
Zeldo doesn't sell consoles alone, neither does 3d mario.
There's a great selection of games on launch, not counting the ports of year old games like batman and mass effect.
edit: I even forgot to mention Sonic kart, which pretty much copies mario kart and makes improvements, coming launch day too.
What?I actually plan on cancelling all my pre ordered games "NSMBU, Zombi U, and Pikmin, and just putting it towards Tekken, in which I see to be maybe the only decent launch title.
Over here Tekken is under 30 euro. The other games you mentioned are over 50 euro each. How do I do math like you?
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