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Member Since 20 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2013 09:16 PM

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In Topic: Don't believe the trash. Walking Dead is a good game.

20 March 2013 - 04:30 AM

How come people pick and chose when to look at review scores? "Reviews don't matter" right? Oh, except in this case. People are just flat out pathetic, honestly.



Not everybody is going to like this game, but it really pisses me right off when people who haven't even played the product badmouth it and say it looks like crap.



This game is going to get murdered in reviews, you don't need a genius to tell you that. I honestly thought this game would suck as well, but upon playing I was very delighted. The reviews out for the game are pure trash, there is no way in hell this game is as bad as a 3 or 4. Looks like the check didn't clear for some people.

In Topic: Don't believe the trash. Walking Dead is a good game.

19 March 2013 - 06:28 PM

That really depends on what you define as scary.


The game can be very tense and nerve racking if given the right mindset. Sneaking through a bunch of buildings while trying to avoid a horde can be quite intense, and being attacked by the sudden Ninja zombie can scare you pretty good. You really feel panicked when you see the walkers coming after you, and you really feel quite vulnerable.



I wouldn't say it's as intense as the nursery level from Zombi U, but it has it's moments.

In Topic: the walking dead survival instinct

19 March 2013 - 05:05 PM

I just bought it a couple of hours ago. I think it's fantastic.


This is a game people will badmouth even if they don't own it, which is pretty pathetic. Nice to know that's 2/3 people who have posted so far. :)



The game plays a lot like Zombi U, and reminds me of it in a lot of ways. You have to be stealthy, use guns as a last resort. You have to scavenge for equipment, the game is really spooky and sets a good mood. Zombies will mess you up quickly, only a few hits and your done. They can smell you, and they can hear you if you even knock over a tin can or something. It's really intense.


The graphics are no better than Zombi U being perfectly honest. They aren't god awful, but they aren't pushing the system at all.



I'd give it a solid 8/10 so far. I'm having a blast.

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