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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
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#133585 new Xbox 720 details report

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 November 2012 - 11:28 AM

no way it will be 300

im thinking min 400 but dont be suprised to see at least 500 for nextbox and ps4

#133576 Some of my stuffs...

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 November 2012 - 11:15 AM

god i wish I was good at something like that awsome work.

#133526 Freezing issues?

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 November 2012 - 10:29 AM

freezing has nothing to do with the game its a system problem the very first xbox 360s had the same problem this really sucks.

A few people are having the same issues as you BUT when you register your Wii U on Club Nintendo and in the Nintendo Support Forums there is a message saying Nintendo is aware of the problem and they are planning to patch all the issues soon, no confirmed date as of yet though, hope this helps :D

This is great news that they addresed it im thinking this new patch will fix everything I hope and wake this beast up . I hope I dont get freezes.

#133479 Gamepad question

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 November 2012 - 09:52 AM

I wanted to know this too actually, can you use the thing while it's charging?

Thats what Im hoping goku im also praying my update goes fast lol . First thing im going to do is disable the suto shutoff and then set up my network connection and get the console register if i can then i will update. After that I will play nintendo land and pray to god that all works well.

#133438 cant transfer accounts to multiple wii us

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 November 2012 - 09:25 AM

Seems a bit crappy but at least it's something that can be changed in the future.

Yeah Goku I really think nintendo is probably working on another update to improve stuff lets just hope they test it good before releasing it to the public.

#132910 Next Box Details Coming Soon!?

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 07:52 PM

If all these Wii U problems keep coming in I might just jump the Nintendo ship permanently and wait for the competitions consoles, sorry but in my opinion if Nintendo keep screwing up like this they will end up like Sega.

Trust me the next xbox and ps4 will have bad systems to this is what happens with early technolgy its best to be patient and wait at least a year.

So is that the final desighn of the next xbox it looks amazing

#132879 Why hasent nintendo issued a statement on all the people having problems

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 07:22 PM

IS nintendo ever going to issue a statement to all the people that got shafted with bad systems. My system comes tommorow and im praying to god I have no problems. Wit hthe system and 1 day shipping on evrything with games and controles im looking at 600 thats a lot of money to spend on something that you have to send in right away. I just pray to the video game gods my system will be ok.

Best case scenerio would be Nintendo issues a recall and pays for shipping to fix ssystems and overs an extra 1 year warranty like microsoft did. I left nintendo for a long time andd decided to come back cause of the wii u I hope after tommorow i dont regret my decision.

#132299 Help! Wii U Gamepad Won't Connect to the Console

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 11:08 AM

why would you make a game controller were the image burns in but I hope this dont happen to all of us wtf. This is like the 360 launch all over again all it takes is 1 person to report a problem and it spreads like the plauge. You also got to factor in that they were rushing at all the sweat shops to get out as much as they could so the quality might suffer on some units. This is why its always good to wait but a lot of us including me dont want to wait for new video game tech

#132273 Help! Wii U Gamepad Won't Connect to the Console

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 10:52 AM

I'm hearing about a few problems with the GamePad, one that stands out the most is a dude on the IGN forums who had the image of the last game that he played burnt into the screen, kinda like the problems consoles have with plasma screen TV's

I have a plasma the newer ones including mine shifts the image so you dont get burn in you dont see the shift but its cool technology  anyway this is horrible nes looks like wii u has its first problem if true. God I hope  Idont regret getting wii u now

#132165 weres the tank tank tank review

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 09:27 AM

I cant wait to see the review on this game I hope it gets a good 1 I really want to get this game but not if it sucks.

#132151 IGN reviews ZombiU

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 November 2012 - 09:15 AM

Pay no attention to the ign article it was reviewed bye greg miller he is a ps3 fanboy. Also some one else at ign did a early preview in late october and they called it the killer app on wii u so wtf happened between that time and now.

#131054 My video game store got 3 basic wii u in today

Posted by angelo07stang on 16 November 2012 - 06:01 PM

I don't agree with that at all, I can't belive he would do that, to play off peoples desperation to get more money for it is wrong.

I agree my buddy that works there was pissed to he did not preorder 1 but he wants to get a deluxe when the store gets em .  I was joking around with my buddy cause as soon as he got the wii u in he had to call the boss to let him know and the boss told him dont tell anyone and lock them in the bathroom im coming to pick them up. The store only got 2 preorders for wii u . Not alot of people know about wii u but the boss was checking prices on ebay to see what they were going for i think hes going to prob sell the basic for 400 I hope none buys em and they rot.

Unfortunatley there will be desparate parents buying wii u on ebay at high prices cause they dont want to see there kids dissappointed christmas day its a bad world we live in. Maybbe one day a video game company will actually make enough supply for the demand. PEople should know better when a new system comes out you got to preorder if you want to get 1.  I feel bad for anyone that preorders a basic at that store there prob going to get lied too.

#130828 Check your email gamestop.com just sent me traking number for my wii u deluxe

Posted by angelo07stang on 16 November 2012 - 10:57 AM

Like the post says if you ordered from gamestop.com check your email I was sent my traking number for wii u deluxe.

#130661 nsmbu dlc is coming

Posted by angelo07stang on 16 November 2012 - 07:01 AM


Good to know we will be getting dlc

#130324 Rumor: Next-Gen Game coming to WiiU

Posted by angelo07stang on 15 November 2012 - 05:01 PM

why are people suprised a next gen game is coming to wii u I thought wii u was a next gen system.

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