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Member Since 13 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2014 03:19 PM

#275584 Stupid News Reporter Covering Snowstorm

Posted by angelo07stang on 03 March 2014 - 03:09 PM

That was in my town today lol I work in woodstown nj thats all we were talking about today he  was lucky he wasn't killed the plow just missed him.

#253620 Anyone else still unsure what console to get? (Xbone or PS4)

Posted by angelo07stang on 29 October 2013 - 03:54 PM

Im getting xbox one in the comparison videos of the xbox one and ps4 version of battlefield 4 I actually think the xbox 1 version looks better it has more color were as the ps4 version seems really dark looking.  will get ps4 when infamous comes out but theres more launch games I'm interested in on the one compared to the ps4.

#239035 Xbox One Can Regulate Power to Prevent Overheating

Posted by angelo07stang on 13 August 2013 - 05:27 PM

Microsoft changes evrything people b  i  t  ch about and people still b i   tch about stuff .

DOnt know why people got to talk negative about the one especially if they had no intention on buying the system in the first place.   And where does it actually say that it will slow down the game your playing if anything it might slow down other things but I do not  see them slowing down a game espicially if your in multiplayer.

#234342 How do you feel about the Xbox One till now?

Posted by angelo07stang on 23 July 2013 - 04:26 PM

I am loving the xbox one as well cant wait to play dead rising 3 on launch day and forza 5 I will prob be getting either battlefeild 4 or call of duty ghosts too as of now im leaning towards battlefeild 4.

#229256 XBox One or PS4?

Posted by angelo07stang on 06 July 2013 - 05:17 AM

Id get xbox one first its going to be a great system dont listen to all the haters saying that its a weak console the ps4 is not that much more powerful than it. Rember how the ps3 was supposed to be so much more powerful than 360 looked how that turned out most mutiplatform games always looked better on the xbox.  With all this being said I have both systems preordered cause I love the exclusives both systems have to offer. If anything keep your ps4 preorder and get killzone for it will be amazing and just gte the xbox one in the spring or summer next year.

#226893 Who wore it better? PS4 vs Xbox One box edition!

Posted by angelo07stang on 27 June 2013 - 02:32 PM

Hm, I got used to the Xbox's green color scheme. I like the black, though. Attractive box, IMO. The PS4 one is nice too, it looks like the Vita box.

Gaymer I wish the xbox one had some green it green and black look awsome together.

#226513 Who wore it better? PS4 vs Xbox One box edition!

Posted by angelo07stang on 26 June 2013 - 05:03 PM

I like the packaging on both systems and love both systems. I have both preordered  and think both systems will offer awsome games. Its a great time to be a gamer.

#224127 Xbox one will not require internet acces. and will alow used games.

Posted by angelo07stang on 19 June 2013 - 01:00 PM

I sill had xbox one preordered day 1 either way I was getting it but this is great news I also got ps4 killzone bundle preordered but might cancel that and just get that later on 2 systems in the same time period is a lot of money

#186900 Early Spring Releases

Posted by angelo07stang on 27 March 2013 - 10:45 AM

Pikmin 3 in may I beleave this will be the game that the wii u desperatley needs.

#165694 KILLZONE looks like a title should look...

Posted by angelo07stang on 01 February 2013 - 07:24 PM

This game will be amazing I cant wait to get it its the best looking handheld game ever made in my opinion graphics look amazing

#155197 CAPU's Pikmin Club visit and enjoy a daily dose of pikmin

Posted by angelo07stang on 02 January 2013 - 08:50 AM

I cant wait for this game

#152329 Screen Protector Question: PowerA Clean and Protect vs PDP Write & Protect

Posted by angelo07stang on 26 December 2012 - 05:47 PM

I have the pdp screen protectors for my game pad and they are scratch proof if you do scratch it it just scratches the scren protector and not the screen its self they work real nice.

#150427 Nintendo TVii is up on the USA!

Posted by angelo07stang on 21 December 2012 - 07:58 AM

So I figured out why my tvii wasent working with my cable box and just the tv I did not relize I had to program the wii u gamepad to the cable box too once i did that I was able to controle my cable box too. This is a pretty neat feature I was watching the basketball game on tv and the game pad had the core on it wit hthe stats to the game and play bye play updates and people posting on it threw miiverse pretty cool.

#149441 InterWorks Pro Controller U?

Posted by angelo07stang on 18 December 2012 - 06:33 PM

I was just about to post this. I got a wii u pro controller for christmas but im prob going to return it for one of these after the review. looks good and he said it wasnt cheap feeling.

I have been useing the wii u pro controller for blops 2 and there is nothing at all thats cheap about it .

#147524 New PS4 rumors - No PS3 disc based backwards compatibility, anti-used games, etc

Posted by angelo07stang on 13 December 2012 - 08:06 AM

why do people care so much about playing back words compatable just play ps3 games on your ps3 . When a new system comes out the last thing i want to do is play games from the last gen.

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