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Member Since 23 Sep 2012Offline Last Active Mar 02 2013 12:46 PM
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- Member Title Bob-omb
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Norn Iron
bf3,cod and timesplitters 2!
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Why are people doubting Wii U now because of PS4?
21 February 2013 - 11:03 PM
Firstly the only reason I will be buying a ps4 is because of the amount of 3rd party games coming.Also the wiiu has one fps which isnt even getting the dlc other platforms have with no explanation offered.That aside I am not buying one because of being a moron or a graphics whore, its because I feel the wiiu has been badly supported sortware wise.Loved the tech, also things may change down the line for wiiu but as a consumer I dont expect,need or want to have to wait for more software support of te genre I like.So wish the wiiu well just had no idea the software range was going to be as it is.
In Topic: Addressing the Wii U’s Sales, Problems, and Future
21 February 2013 - 10:39 PM
yes especially the part that says he takes 57k sales as a positive
In Topic: Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs for Wii U
21 February 2013 - 05:35 AM
Youve done it now the torches and pitchforks are out.The locals dont like change.But they do like nintendo and you have offended them
Absolute shame about the timing of this announcement,good that the wii u gets it
Absolute shame about the timing of this announcement,good that the wii u gets it
In Topic: What's more important for the Wii U?
21 February 2013 - 05:27 AM
aaaaah shuddup sick of these die hard nintendo daydreamers,thats why I have decided to sell it and get something else.Maybe something where 3rd party exists or fps exists.Wow you have been gaming since the nes?Really thats a hell of an achievement you must be really good.I am glad you have a pc.But I did not see any sticker saying "may need to purchase other console to have any 3rd party games".So being told there would be unprecedented partnerships I now have to take the release schedule of impending doom?Nothing there interests me.Your tired of my negative posts?Im tired all the blind faith and sanctimonious crap some nintendo fanboys spout.Wow you right I did just find a ps forum I can hang out.One where the pitchforks dont come out when you expect what you were promised by the manufacturer.
In Topic: Addressing the Wii U’s Sales, Problems, and Future
21 February 2013 - 01:51 AM
zavvi have been selling the wii u black premium all week at 225 price gone back up to 275 this morning
Cheapest like for like premium xbox bundle on same site zavvi is 199.99.Both items brand new
Cheapest like for like premium xbox bundle on same site zavvi is 199.99.Both items brand new
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