Not going to dwell on it too long but am wondering who would have played and/or enjoyed these titles on the wii u both released this week and getting good reviews just about everywhere I read.
Metal gear rising:Revengeance
Crysis 3
Both games I would have actually bought on wiiu if available.Would have been very interested to see platinums metal gear as a pre cursor to bayonetta 2.Also hear really good things from friends about crysis 3.
Surely nintendo should e writing blank cheques to ensure games like this get to the wiiu even if they have to subsidise it?For those who say no I didnt want nor wouldnt have bought these games, then tell me why please.Or what your playing thats better!
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 23 Sep 2012Offline Last Active Mar 02 2013 12:46 PM
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bf3,cod and timesplitters 2!
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Who will miss these titles?
19 February 2013 - 09:55 PM
replacement console network id information.
10 December 2012 - 09:20 AM
Got a replacement console from retailer as was having issues.
Now unable to use original Nintendo network I'd,is that fully correct?:-\
Now unable to use original Nintendo network I'd,is that fully correct?:-\
Do I have defective hardware?
09 December 2012 - 12:02 PM
OK so after a lot of scanning the internet I see some of the problems I have are common but some definitely are not.
1.The freezing of the Wii u (I know this isn't rare)
2.The Wii u gamepad losing connection with console from maybe 6ft away with a clear line of sight (fairly tech savvy so haven't done anything to adversely affect the connection)
3.The Wii u console often refuses to turn off from the game,iPad power button (even if turned on from gamepad)
4.Really loud disc reading (I have two friends locally with Wii u,and the console is properly seated/positioned flat)
5.I have had sound dropout on the gamepad after disconnected my headphones while playing)
So those are my issues, the problem solver in me thinks that all my problems could be caused by some sort of IR/WiFi connectivity issue ,could the receiver/sender in either the gamepad be faulty?Now the Wii u works well at times, but surely all these symptoms cannot all be bugs?Between the faults listed I must be up near 40 instances since the 30th November for me that says defective hardware when all are taken into account?
Let me know what you think taking into account that I am probably proficient enough with tech to not make obvious mistakes.
1.The freezing of the Wii u (I know this isn't rare)
2.The Wii u gamepad losing connection with console from maybe 6ft away with a clear line of sight (fairly tech savvy so haven't done anything to adversely affect the connection)
3.The Wii u console often refuses to turn off from the game,iPad power button (even if turned on from gamepad)
4.Really loud disc reading (I have two friends locally with Wii u,and the console is properly seated/positioned flat)
5.I have had sound dropout on the gamepad after disconnected my headphones while playing)
So those are my issues, the problem solver in me thinks that all my problems could be caused by some sort of IR/WiFi connectivity issue ,could the receiver/sender in either the gamepad be faulty?Now the Wii u works well at times, but surely all these symptoms cannot all be bugs?Between the faults listed I must be up near 40 instances since the 30th November for me that says defective hardware when all are taken into account?
Let me know what you think taking into account that I am probably proficient enough with tech to not make obvious mistakes.
Will fifa 14 on wii u be the same as xbox360/ps3 versions?
24 October 2012 - 03:55 AM
Just saw this article
Rapidly losing faith in ea support for wii u now.Urgently need clarification in regards to battlefield 4
Having read the full article I get the feeling EA are not feeling the wii u for some reason.If it wasnt for Battlefield 4 and the long since canned warfighter I would boycott EA until such time as they realise my money is the same colour as anyone elses and as such I expect the same features,not maybe we will see how it goes?

Rapidly losing faith in ea support for wii u now.Urgently need clarification in regards to battlefield 4

Having read the full article I get the feeling EA are not feeling the wii u for some reason.If it wasnt for Battlefield 4 and the long since canned warfighter I would boycott EA until such time as they realise my money is the same colour as anyone elses and as such I expect the same features,not maybe we will see how it goes?
Concern over the growing list of cancellation/not in development
01 October 2012 - 12:20 PM
Hi all, I was just wondering how people feel about the number of games that seem to be either cancelled completely or dead in the water .Also listing games that I fell it would have been fair to expect on a new top drawer console
Battlefield 3 (EA)
Metro: last light (THQ)
Medal of honor warfighter (EA)
Ghost recon online (Ubisoft)
Resident evil 6 (Capcom)
Far cry 3 (Ubisoft)
Crysis 3 (EA)
Dead space 3 (EA)
Bioshock infinite (Irrational)
Mass effect trilogy (EA)
Need for speed most wanted 2 (EA)
Borderlands 2 (2k)
Now Im not looking flamed and Im not all doom and gloom about it as there are a good few exclusives and most of what I need will be catered for.However I am starting to become concerned about how many of the games listed will be triple a titles.Also does this list show that its mostly american publishers studios that arent extending the wii u the same courtesy as the ps3 and 360?Let me know what you think and if this list causes any concern or not!
Battlefield 3 (EA)
Metro: last light (THQ)
Medal of honor warfighter (EA)
Ghost recon online (Ubisoft)
Resident evil 6 (Capcom)
Far cry 3 (Ubisoft)
Crysis 3 (EA)
Dead space 3 (EA)
Bioshock infinite (Irrational)
Mass effect trilogy (EA)
Need for speed most wanted 2 (EA)
Borderlands 2 (2k)
Now Im not looking flamed and Im not all doom and gloom about it as there are a good few exclusives and most of what I need will be catered for.However I am starting to become concerned about how many of the games listed will be triple a titles.Also does this list show that its mostly american publishers studios that arent extending the wii u the same courtesy as the ps3 and 360?Let me know what you think and if this list causes any concern or not!
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