You guys sure like to make mountains out of molehills don't you?
If you honestly think the Wii U will be on par with the 720 / PS4 offerings, you are one diluted bunch... seriously. The only reason anyone mention's the Wii U in the same sentence as the 720 / PS4 is because those systems haven't been released yet and the superiority of those consoles aren't that blatantly obvious... yet. When UE4 and Frostbite 3 are in full swing on the 720 / PS4 systems, no one with a IQ over 50 will be comparing the 3 consoles anymore.
Do yourselves a favor, and stop thinking the Wii U will offer the same quality of multi-platform titles as the 720 / PS4, because it won't.
The Wii U will offer awesome first party titles that will look great - for those titles, but that will be it. You can not honestly sit there and think that a console that can only allocate 1 GB of RAM for games will offer comparable games with a system that has 8GB of RAM.
But if some PR person from Activision mentioning the Wii U as a "next gen" console convinces you otherwise, then more power to you.
You are accusing us of drinking Wii U kool aid, but then say that the PS4 will be superior because it has 8 GB of RAM? Then you say that the first party games will look great, as if the memory limitation you mentioned earlier does not apply here? Riight. If you were truly being objective, you'd at least wait until the other consoles are on the market (or at least close to launch) before you start to draw conclusions.
I think the next-gen multi platform titles will look fine on the Wii U and will give up little to the other consoles, and I am prepared to revisit this topic once those titles are released.
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