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Member Since 14 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2014 04:03 AM

#292465 Nintendo investor flabbergasted that Iwata has not resigned

Posted by 3Dude on 06 July 2014 - 04:35 PM

This was the same guy who was annoyed that they were discussing video games, right?

Yes. Its actually part of the same quote but... well... gamz girnoliz.

The guy is angry that Iwata is not discussing how hes going to use capital gains to give investors, particularly him, more money through dividends.

Capital gains is profit made via selling off company assets like stock (not applicable here) bonds (not applicable here) or physical assets like buildings, equipment and real estate.

He wants iwata to fire development teams, sell their equipment, sell the buildings they worked in, and sell the land the building was on, and give a portion of that money to him via dividends.

In other words, he wants an immediate short term small time gain, at the expense of the companies future.

See, if chuckles knew anything about making video games, or people in general, he would know firing entire departments for short term gains pisses people off, and for those who didnt get screwed over, makes them worried about job security and finding new employment before the next round of layoffs, instead of making great games.

This is why Iwata has a strict no lay offs policy. And is a picture perfect example of whats wrong with the vast majority of the rest of the industry.

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