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Member Since 30 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2013 07:08 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Thinking about selling my Wii U guys...

12 July 2013 - 06:58 AM

Something I've learned, never buy  playstation until they release the slim. Generally the release console is always buggy from Sony and more likely to fail down the road.

In Topic: I think I know why Nintendo isn't getting 3rd parties...

16 June 2013 - 08:54 AM

Really, because the launch of the Wii U had a bunch of great 3rd party games that weren't watered down, but look at what sold. It was Mario, and Nintendo Land. We're lucky we're even getting the watered down versions of games at this point.

The fact that cod blops 2 and me3 are not supported with dlc turns a bunch of people away from buying those multiplats in wii u

In Topic: Recomendation i will buy 1 game only. help me.

29 May 2013 - 09:19 AM

COD BO2 community is small 3000-5000 ( but it never takes long to get in a match), so if you play something other than team deathmatch you are going to have a bad time


Mass Effect 3 community is pretty good, haven't played in like 2 months due to college, so I'm not sure how many people are still playing


ZombiU is some good fun, but once you put it down for another game you just don't feel like picking it back up (at least for me)


MH3U is really fun and has a bunch of replay value , if you know for sure you will like the game I say get it with out a doubt

In Topic: Will the mobile site be improved?

27 May 2013 - 12:17 PM

My BlackBerry can barely handle the full Site, and it requires a lot of zooming to even see anything. 

Use a different web browser for your phone

In Topic: Gunslingers ~ The Nintendo Wii U Clan for Adults.

25 May 2013 - 11:55 AM

I'm 20, I'd like to join, I only have blops 2 but plan on getting MH3U in the near future

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