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Member Since 04 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2012 01:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Wii U Wishlist

04 November 2012 - 06:53 AM

a Proffesor Layton game & an Ace Attorney game

* these are just the exclusive Nintendo games I'd like.

Seconding. They could work so well with the gamepad technology.

In Topic: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

04 November 2012 - 06:49 AM

As much as I believe in the "More = Better" for a fighting game, i'd rather see more Nintendo characters and more expansion on the existing characters than for them to go overboard with third party characters. Some of the conclusions you can make to expand on the existing roster are pretty obvious.
Toon Link? Toon Zelda (Tetra)
Olimar? Louie (Or the new unnamed captains)
Marth/Ike? The new characters from Awakening.
Mario? Paper Mario.
Sonic? Tails.
Pokemon Trainer? Let's add some new skins and give him the Unova starters.

Heck, you could probably even enslave some monkeys and put them in balls for SSB4, but i'd like to see some homage paid to the franchises and games that kept the DS/Wii alive, and the ones that are selling the 3DS at the moment. (Kid Icarus, Professor Layton, Xenoblade...to name a few)

In Topic: New Miyamoto interview: F-Zero Wii U, The origin of Link and Metroid Wii U

04 November 2012 - 06:42 AM

I have to admit, i'm surprised to hear that he didn't expect people would want more F-Zero. I, myself, am not someone who's played the games extensively, but I know that they'd considered to be a pretty awesome racer, and they look pretty awesome, too.

In Topic: Gamepad Replacement?

04 November 2012 - 06:39 AM

Most normal breakages of the gamepads should fall under the warranty in which case, I believe there was a statement from Nintendo saying that they'd replace gamepads for free. In the unfortunate event that it doesn't, however...well, judging from the Wii controllers price, i'd estimate it to be £70ish. (Around $100)

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