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Member Since 04 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2012 09:09 PM

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In Topic: New here, soon to be Wii U owner I guess you could say!

29 November 2012 - 07:48 PM

you are going to love it.
me and my family live in Calgary so it good to see some more Canadians joining the community.
the best part for me is playing in the bathroom and in bed! :)
the wife loves that we can switch screens if one of us doesn't want to watch the other play..
be looking for you online Christmas.. and welcome!


19 November 2012 - 03:48 PM

So then if he brought 2 system and use the same id then he would have 2 games for the price of one.
And your saying you can buy a ps3 psn game. Come to my house sign in and download that game and you can play it on my system? (not the daul licesne games).?
I dont really think it would work like that.

Its all tie into the system + account name.
So of ot doesnt match your out of lucky.

And they can tranfer stuff over but they need the old wii u and new wii u. To verify, and tranfer the information in there system.

no games are linked to 1 console only.. in order for them to play on another console you need to be logged in online to be able to access them .. its not a big deal its been this way with psn and xbox live for over 5 years now..O_o


19 November 2012 - 11:52 AM

Cant really say nothing about that. Its just the way it works.
and they cant tell if he just wants his games on both systems or not. Now of he would of sent it into nintendo then they would of been able to tranfer all the information.
Same thing happen to me with the ps3. Had a free digital game which was tried toy system serial and user name.
Sorry about his lost but there is really nothing they can do.
And there arent wrong for it either.

how are they not wrong for it? they should be tied to his account not the console.. psn and xbox live are that way and they are "last gen". totally their fault.

Cant really say nothing about that. Its just the way it works.
and they cant tell if he just wants his games on both systems or not. Now of he would of sent it into nintendo then they would of been able to tranfer all the information.
Same thing happen to me with the ps3. Had a free digital game which was tried toy system serial and user name.
Sorry about his lost but there is really nothing they can do.
And there arent wrong for it either.

and another thing.. if they have the ability to transfer licences to other consoles(which they claim they dont BTW) why cant they do it?they just migrate his network id to the new system?

In Topic: Gamespot ZombiU review

17 November 2012 - 09:26 AM

i knew this would happen when i found out they wouldn't let anyone review the game till it had been out for 9 hours...who does that unless you know your game sucks?

In Topic: New PS4 details from PSM3 Magazine

16 November 2012 - 08:12 AM

If any one thinks the ps4 and the xbox 720 are going to be cheap you are sadly mistaken. Both systems will probably be minum 450.

yeah but Microsoft is doing a smart phone type contract with the 720.
something like $100 down and $20 a month for 2 or 3 years cant remember the exact length.
and that will include the system a controller and the live service for the duration of the contract.. which really.. if you were gonna have live anyway.. isn't a bad deal.

i was impressed by the power and the tech of the ps3, but ultimately they never really harnessed it.
then i see this.. O_o oh boy..
thank god Sony has so many fan boys, or this would mark the end of Sony im sure.

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