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the world ends with me

Member Since 09 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2013 09:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Idea: GamePad Plus

10 November 2012 - 10:12 AM

i've heard of some general public confusion about the GamePad, like some people thinking it's portable like the Vita. it got me thinking, what if it was? obviously it's size isn't optimal, but let's forget about that for a second. what if they did make it portable? instead of streaming the images, what if they had something like download play, an internal memory, SD and USB? that way you really could play them anywhere, not just in range of the Wii U. imagine your playing on your tv, then you switch to controller, play it on the way to your friends house, and when you get there you put your game on their screen.

the problem: cost. GamePads are already expensive. this would obviously cost more, plus you'd need a console. also the size as i mentioned before, isn't great for portability, although if you use an iPad it's really not so bad.

So what do you think? is the GPP a good idea, or a frivolous waste of money and resources?

Coming from the 3DS Forums

09 November 2012 - 06:50 PM

hello all. i've known of this site for a while, just never actually visited it, i'm coming over from the 3DS Forums. same name and everything, i'm not feeling very creative. but i figured with about a week to the Wii U release, i'll see what's going on here. i've got the Deluxe Edition reserved through Walmart's layaway thing, i was late to the pre-order race (i was waiting on Amazon :angry: ). i'll be getting it day 1! so i guess i'll see you all around.

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