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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2012 09:58 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: HMV - unsure of stock

19 November 2012 - 06:27 AM

If I can't get mine at HMV then I'll try my luck at Game across the road...the 30th can't come soon enough!

In Topic: Wii U - Built in Software

17 November 2012 - 05:35 AM

nope, it's not obvious. I think it's obvious that for the 100th time in a row, Nintendo's gonna stinge us up.

With all the preview videos of it and even the Nintendo Direct with Reggie on the line they didn't have any extra mics or anything and on the website it does say "all you need is your broadband Internet connection."

which to me means you don't need anthing extra than what's in the box to use it....

In Topic: What are you getting at launch?

17 November 2012 - 05:32 AM

I'm picking up the ZombiU bundle and Mario Bros U.

& I've got 5 days off work after Launch to play non stop :D

In Topic: Wii U - Built in Software

17 November 2012 - 05:27 AM

Then why on every single video showing the Wii U Chat, is it silent?
and why does it say here: http://www.nintendo....software/#/chat
that you 'communicate through handwriting"
and it doesn't mention anything to do with the mic.

I'm sure it does use the built in mic - the drawing tool is just for extra interaction between you and your friend.

Although it doesn't mention it's a given that it will use the built in mic

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