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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2012 09:58 AM

Topics I've Started

HMV - unsure of stock

19 November 2012 - 06:11 AM


So I've just been in my local HMV to check if they're planning on opening early etc and they told me that they're still waiting for authorisation to open early. They also told me that they're aren't sure if they're even going to get any stock on launch and possibly the earliest will be around the 4/5th of December.

I know stock on the launch could be tight but that would  suck if I've got to wait until then! I guess the only bonus is the day one update might be a bit quicker with less people doing it then?!

Wii U - Built in Software

17 November 2012 - 04:14 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new here (well by my posts anyway!)

Just seen this on the Nintendo website, I didn't see it last time I checked any way, so thought I'd share!


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