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Member Since 17 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2013 11:01 AM

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In Topic: No traditional Nintendo E3?

25 April 2013 - 02:39 AM

alien, ea lies, metro last night... latest western dev announcements.  (it was 2011 E3)

Oh I only watch for the japanese style games so I missed those tbh. I thought you meant it was a lie like we did not getting half of the games they showed 

In Topic: No traditional Nintendo E3?

25 April 2013 - 02:34 AM

nintendo is $##$ angry with western devs, maybe thats why. Also Blizzard stop participating in at E3 long ago, they have their own blizzcon..


Nintendos 2 last e3s were a disaster...  2011 E3 was amazing, but everything they showed, was 70% a lie! And it was not nintendos fault! 2012 E3, not many liked it.

A lie? Didn't those games come out? 

In Topic: No traditional Nintendo E3?

25 April 2013 - 02:33 AM

If their commercials suck how else do they plan to promote their games?!?!?

I hope you don't mean 3DS ones but the Wii U ones. The 3DS ones have been a lot like the old school 80s/90s era which are fun 

In Topic: No traditional Nintendo E3?

24 April 2013 - 07:16 PM

But didn't Iwata say they would show 3D Mario and Kart at E3 or was it later this year he said?

In Topic: Thoughts on PlayStation+?

24 April 2013 - 06:29 PM

Wish the games for the USA were better. I mean the UK seems to get great stuff while we get left with Dark Souls and Darksiders. Hoping May for the USA is better. I know the games are free and all but idk. Would love to see games you can not find in stores added for free. I only see new ps3 games in stores and nothing made in the 2006-2011 time frame for some weird reason Still a good service. 


I know the UK gets Hitman and Catherine next month. If we get something like CoD B Ops 2 I'll rage lol



Just Cause 2 was a great add back in June of last year. Had good fun with that. Wish it had multiplayer however 

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