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Member Since 03 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active May 30 2013 12:15 PM

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In Topic: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

28 May 2013 - 09:59 PM

I'd like for everyone here to take this poll.

A friend of mine (who made a previous poll that reached 2000 votes before, but had twenty-five characters) has created a new poll that consists of virtually every character someone wants to see. The poll has not only characters, but also stages, Assist Trophies and bosses available as well. First part is characters, the second part is stage and finally Assist Trophies and bosses.


Make sure to vote for who you want and not who you expect. This is a want poll, not an likelihood poll. You also only get one chance to vote, so vote wisely.


LK9T9, on 28 May 2013 - 06:16 AM, said:So excited for SSB4 on the E3 direct! Which newcomers (or even Melee veterans) do you think we'll see?

If they announced Waluigi as a playable character I would die of anticipation, because he is my obviously my favorite Nintendo character of all time!

I am really crossing my fingers for a Mega Man confirmation at E3 this year. Mega Man is my most wanted character and my favorite video game character, so I'm really hoping Sakurai gets him in. Not sure if he'll be at E3 due to there being a decent chance of another third-party getting in, but I'd say he has a good shot of making it mainly due to his iconic status and his massive popularity.

As for characters I expect at E3, those would be Ridley, Palutena, Takamaru and Little Mac, although the only character I want that I could see at E3 is Mega Man (anyone else will probably be either a DOJO reveal or an unlockable).

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