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Member Since 19 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2013 06:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Wii U Scratches

17 February 2013 - 05:32 PM

Hey, I am really enjoying my wii u but I have a problem with the touchpad. There are already three little scratches in various places upon the screen despite me being really careful with it, they are barely noticeable and can only be seen on pure white screens but it is really bugging me. I've had a 3DS since release and treated it far worse and there is not a single scratch on the screens,I take good care of the things I buy but I've gathered three scratches already and it's making me worried everytime I use the damn stylus.
Anyone else have this problem? Any way to remove these scratches? Really annoying me, screen protectors shouldn't be this necessary, I have only used the stylus for netflix and browsing. :(

My first impressions.

28 December 2012 - 02:03 PM

I've played a few games now, Batman Arkham City was really good and made some good uses of the gamepad. The graphics were really good, I didn't even have a HDMI cable when I had my 360 so it was the best graphics I've ever actually viewed, the whole experience of that game just left me impressed with the tablet and everything else. The second game I played was the Sonic racing one, which was enjoyable but not that great, it's fun for the occasional race and the unlockables were fun to get.

The next game I tried was Black ops 2, I have played MW2, bops and MW3 on the Xbox and enjoyed them all somewhat but thought I would get the newest one on the Wii U to play with my friend. All I can say is I'm really disappointed in this aspect, basic functions that most gamers have got used to with the xbox and playstation are just lacking, me and my friend couldn't even party up for Black ops and we had to invite each other to the lobbies we got into and usually ended up paired against each other. It feels so behind the times when it comes to playing online, I wasn't expecting too much when it came to online but I was still left unimpressed.

I really do like the Wii U, for single player games I can tell it's going to be a great experience. I knew when I bought it that the Wii U wasn't going to have the best online, but to lack such basic things has left me feeling a bit meh. Online is a massive part of games now and I can already tell I'll be having to buy a 720 or a PS4 because all my friends will be playing on that. I guess I'm just going to have to wait for the Zelda and Mario cames to eventually come out and that'll be it. 7/10

Sonic Racing question

21 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

Me and my friend are considering buying this game, are we able to race against eachother but also against other online players at the same time? A quick answer would be appreciated, thank you!

The online.

28 November 2012 - 01:59 AM

So for anyone who has the Wii U already, or anyone who just knows a lot about the Wii U, how is the online? I'm used to playing on the 360 so how does it compare to that? I don't really expect it to be as good but I would just like to know about how easy it is to add friends, is there a party system and can you voice chat during games, things like that. Thanks a lot if you can help!

Virtual console games

20 November 2012 - 08:38 AM

I have a few games I downloaded on my Wii that I will transfer over to my Wii U once I finally get one, will I be able to play these games on the tablet itself or will I have to stick to a Wii controller and TV screen? Sorry if this has already been spoke about.

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