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Member Since 23 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2012 03:05 PM

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In Topic: Digital Downloads should be cheaper, retail more expensive.

25 November 2012 - 03:10 PM

For console systems i mainly buy my games physically. Unless its a game i know i can never part with i will always by physically. Plus more often than not it has a sweet collector/limited edition, or Pre order bonus that you cant get digitally (unless its DLC) so i really have no reason to go the Digital route unless the title isnt available in Physical format.

But i will agree if its cheaper, i can see why people would buy it. But i dont see why that means retailers would lose business. i mean kids/parents dont buy digitally or at least not in the masses so their whole sales wont be a lost. it will be people who have big enough memory that buys it in the long run. Plus there are point/game cards that the retailers still get a part of sale for.

I just dont see why something as simple as a digital formatted game needs to be the same price (or sometimes higher) than a physical game that needs to be made/manufactured, plastic casing, shrink wrap, printing for the manual, deliver from cars/planes/boats, etc. In the end i see myself justifying buying a game 40-60$ with all that in the process than say the same digital game that got uploaded to the server and left at that.

In Topic: Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

23 November 2012 - 02:52 PM

My id is the same i use here: MomoTaro

In Topic: RUMOR - Second New Super Mario Bros. U update wiping saves

23 November 2012 - 02:49 PM

..... I have one SD card and I only use it for my 3DS.

Get New super mario bros. U, it's not like the other games! Seriously!

Oh i plan on getting it no doubt. i just dont have any money since lets just say these past couple of month too much good games have been coming out. plus i have other things i had to pay off, but for now everything is done with so i should be able to buy some WiiU games next week. i plan on getting NSMB, ZombiU and Trine 2.

In Topic: RUMOR - Second New Super Mario Bros. U update wiping saves

23 November 2012 - 02:45 PM

I really hope they sort that thing out before publicly releasing it (unless it already has) granted i dont have either games yet (just stuck with NintendoLand) but i know both games are a huge hit and a lot of people have them it would suck to have all your data deleted when you have gone through the game a lot.

In Topic: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

23 November 2012 - 02:43 PM

I'm not sure if this has been mention before but since the WiiU has a pad now, i would hope this game will be 5 players-ish on some part. Like with Brawl and having a Picto-chat stage. i hope they do the samething this time around except with the pad being able to draw things.

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