Granted. You now can't stop eating steak. You steal from kitchens, grocery stores, and your life spirals down into you living on the streets with a rotting old boot you call Willis.
I wish I had an invisible friend that everyone could see.
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Member Since 25 Nov 2012Offline Last Active Dec 10 2012 05:49 PM
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- Active Posts 8
- Profile Views 6,091
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday May 18, 1988
Ontario, Canada
Gaming, reading, gaming, watching TV, gaming, going for the occasional jog, and gaming.
Legend of Zelda, Super Mario
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In Topic: Make a wish and ruin someone else's
08 December 2012 - 06:32 PM
In Topic: Make a wish and ruin someone else's
06 December 2012 - 04:31 PM
Granted. They also eat your face. Unfortunately, they were zombies.
I wish for 2 wishes.
I wish for 2 wishes.
In Topic: Caption the avatar above you!
03 December 2012 - 11:29 AM
"I hate babies."
In Topic: Make a wish and ruin someone else's
03 December 2012 - 07:08 AM
Granted. You get no side effects from directly watching the anime, you do however, starve your body of all necessary nutrients, spending hours on end with no sleep watching Anime, eating nothing but stale cheesies, and drinking Pepsi.
I wish that my level of awesome well exceeded the range of 0-9000.
I wish that my level of awesome well exceeded the range of 0-9000.
In Topic: Caption the avatar above you!
03 December 2012 - 07:06 AM
There are 3 ninjas hidden in this picture. Can you find them? No. Because if you did, you'd be dead.
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