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Member Since 25 Nov 2012Offline Last Active Dec 10 2012 05:49 PM
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- Birthday May 18, 1988
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#138139 How to avoid Console Freezing while waiting for a patch.
Posted by BatJeff
on 25 November 2012 - 03:28 PM
The fix of deleting the update data for NintendoLand and then re-updating only worked for me for a few hours, then it started freezing all over again. So far, I am going to try this English language only fix, but as far as I know, I called Nintendo customer support and asked about this supposed patch coming out next week that has been circling around the internet, and he had no idea about it, but DID confirm that it is a known issue, Nintendo is working on it (which isn't a surprise), and that there is going to be a patch definitely in December not quite as big as the launch patch, but still quite large. As for if that patch would fix the freezing issues, he said he didn't know for sure what would be in the patch, only that it would be a broad patch to fix many different bugs. So I would hope that if this is a known issue, that they would include a fix as soon as possible.
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