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Member Since 26 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2012 04:49 PM

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Afterglow wireless headset incompatible? Wii u firmware update?

26 November 2012 - 05:01 PM

Got my son the Wii U and he got the Afterglow wireless headset as well. All packaging and literature state the two are compatible, however we get no sound to the headphones. Have the Wii U connected to the tv using HDMI cable and then the Afterglow transmitter connected to the USB jack on the Wii U and the other end audio out jacks from the tv just as the instructions show. Called Afterglow support and they say this is a known issue and Nintendo needs to release a new firmware update, but could not tell me about it or when it would be out. I said how is your product compatible if it is not possible to make it work? He talked in circles for a minute and then agreed its false advertising. Anyway, I am willing to wait a week or so for the firmware release if it fixes it, but if there truly is no date in site then probably will return the headphones. Any advice or insight regarding this firmware? Is this known issue with all the wireless headphone support?

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